Veeam Kasten for Kubernetes v7.5 Release
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Hello, Thanks,My question is about Veeam catching memory errors during the backup itself.Sure, sometimes ECC can catch that.For example, Let’s say Veeam:Reads a sector from disk into memory. Whilst that sector is in memory, the memory is corrupted. Veeam writes that corrupted sector to the backup file.A Health check would not catch that.Does Veeam have a way to catch that, by re-reading the source sector again or some other mechanism?Thanks much,David
Hi, Wanted to try and bring some of the magic of the Veeam 100 Summit to the Community Hub, as so much of Veeam’s success comes from the community! I’ll be blogging here each day bringing some highlights from the summit. Hope you enjoy it!
Hi everyone, I bring this book, I hope you Enjoy ItThis book provides tips that help administrators maximize the performance of VMware vSphere 8.0 Update 2. Sections cover hardware selection, ESXi and virtual machines, guest operating systems, and virtual infrastructure managementDownload Here
Hello, I try to install Veeam Agent for Linux on my debian 11but i have two errors that involve failure of Veeam Agent for linux installation 20/09/2023 09:41:17 Failed [] Failed to install veeam_6.0.0.1060_amd64.deb and blksnap_6.0.0.1060_all.deb packages: E: Impossible de trouver le paquet linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant à l'expression rationnelle « linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 » E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant à l'expression rationnelle « linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 » Failed to invoke rpc command 0:00:14 20/09/2023 09:41:32 Failed [] Failed to install Veeam Agent for Linux: E: Impossible de trouver le paquet linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant à l'expression rationnelle « linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 » E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant à l'expression rationnelle « linux-headers-5.10.0-18-amd64 » Failed to invoke rpc command my config
Hello, I will need to migrate my Veeam Backup & Replication (v12) installation to a new server because my current server is 2012 R2 and it’s not supported anymore as you know.My new server (virtual) will be a Windows 2016 and I want to migrate my Veeam B&R install the proper way in order to avoid loosing any “block change tracking” or things like that and have my backups and replications running the same as before on the new server because I have around 25 TB of data to backup and replicate and if Veeam needs to re-read the entire volume (instead of “change blocks”) that would be 48+ hours lost! 😵 Thank you!!
So I’m am basically a day or two away from taking the time and going through and disabling the backup cache across all of my customers, it causes way too many problems. But thought I’d try asking here as a last resort since Veeam’s support seems useless as usual and my R&D forum posts aren’t getting any responses. I have had various cache related issues, especially since the ridiculously buggy V12 update, but here this past week it’s been especially bad. I have about 20 computers, that I know of right now, which are failing to upload the backup cache to the VCC server. As such these computers have not been backing up. At first I thought maybe they just needed some time to catch up or something, but it’s been over a week now and they’re not even modifying the files in the VCC repository. (Side note, yes, I did go look at the files, because it’s useful, even though Veeam says there’s no reason I should ever need to look at the files.)Seems there’s numerous different errors and behavi
veeam agent for linux run very slow on ubuntu 22.04 ltsbackup client is running virtual on virtualbox linux hostbackup client has installed zammad and elastcsearch Duration: 13:13:00 Processed: 12.2 GB (100%) Processing rate: 311.6 KB/s Read: 12.2 GB Bottleneck: Target Transferred: 3.2 GB (3.9x) Time Action Duration 16:30:05 Starting full backup to Repository_1 ↑ 16:30:05 Active full is forced │ 16:30:07 Backing up BIOS bootloader on /dev/sda 00:00:51 │ 16:30:58 Backed up sda 12.2 GB at 270.6 KB/s 13:10:36 │ 05:41:34 (+1) Backing up summary.xml 00:00:30 │ 05:42:07 (+1) Releasing snapshot 00:00:01 ▒ 05:42:10 (+1) Processing finished at 2023-04-02 03... ↓ another ubuntu 22.
Hello Team, Can anyone help, am trying to upgrade VeeamOne env from to VeeamONE_12.0.1.2591_20230314, am unable to upgrade as it shows license is invalid. Could you please help path to download trial license for VeeamONE_12.0.1.2591_20230314.
for a customer I have Veeam 12 installed and as primary Repository an Ubuntu Server with the possibility to configure immutability, as secondary I have a Gen4 HPE StoreOnce with also the possibility to configure immutability, where do you advise me to make immutability backups, on the Primary or Secondary Repository or on both ? (the two Repositories are in two different locations)
Hello, Thanks,For the linux hardened repository, Windows Agent Backups (volume and file) complete successfully.However, Hyper-V fails.Windows.Server.DataCenter.Evaluation.Edition.2022.21H2VBR server - P20230178The backup repository is linux hardened, located over the internet, not local.Note: for this linux machine, I made sure ping from repo -> VBR work ;winkThe backup repository location is a mounted SMB share.Given the error is `Failed to make the backup file immutable: Inappropriate ioctl for device`,my small brain thinks ALL immutable backups would fail, not just Hyper-V?Please advise? Queued for processing at 11/5/2023 12:25:15 PM Required backup infrastructure resources have been assigned VM processing started at 11/5/2023 12:25:20 PM VM size: 127 GB (5.4 GB used) VM is now in the required state for processing Preparing to create snapshot Guest processing skipped (VM is powered off) Creating VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Crash consistent) Storage initializ
As announced in VeeamON 2023, the release 12a (or 12.1) of the Veeam Data Platform is coming soon. In addition to bringing new cybersecurity features, one of the focuses is improving the ability to protect data stored in Object Storage.It is a critical demand for organizations to store data related to modern applications or any unstructured data related to the business.It will be possible to take data from object storage and store it in backup repositories of any type: block, file, object storage, or even tape.There will be flexible recoveries in restoring the entire buckets, including permissions, attributes, and tags.You will perform granular recoveries on individual objects and restore specific object versions. Of course, the immutability, the ability to define object version, object archive, and Backup Copy will be supported.This is all based on the NAS backup technology of Veeam Backup & Replication. Let’s wait for this new version!
I’m using VEEAM’ve created a backup on a RDX drive with the option ‘This repository is backed by rotated drives’.Then i created a bootable recovery media → USB stickStarting machine from USB stick and open wizard ‘Volume Level Restore’Backup location is fine, full backupStarting progress will show the following lines:OK Loading backup filesOK Restore process started …BAD Restore failed: The requested security package does not existBAD Saving restore logs Error: Unable to save recovery logs to target repository. To do …Please advise.THX Reinhard
Hi all.reference Upgrading Veeam Service Provider Console - Veeam Service Provider Console Deployment GuideI share the procedure step by step for upgrading VSPC v6 to v7.Backup database before proceeding. Backup of the VM dedicated to the VSPC service before proceeding. Cold snapshot of the VM VSCP if there is database Download ISOCheck your versiontip:Mount ISO and start WizardCheck VSPC website consoleCheck version post updateOption 1) Manually download Management Agent for tenant serversManually Install Management Agent on all yours manged server TenantsOtion 2) Update Managment Agent VCC server from consoleFrom the console verify that all agents are updated without errors.enjoy :D
Hello, I have a small vm, 5.4GiB in size.Non-instant restore works fine, after restore completes, can boot into the vm and use it.Whereas, instant restore fails, can boot into vm but it, not able to use it.Host:windows.server.datacenter.evaluation.edition.2022.21H2VBAR server - P20230178The repository is linux non-hardened, located over the internet, not local.Looks like instant restore creates the required files including the .vhdxLooks correct from hyperv manager.but the vm will not boot correctly [ 6903075986] /├── [ 1086624914] gparted│ ├── [ 4292475] Snapshots│ │ ├── [ 0] 31D5C4AB-9443-43F4-8088-740728378880│ │ ├── [ 45092] 31D5C4AB-9443-43F4-8088-740728378880.VMRS│ │ ├── [ 52567] 31D5C4AB-9443-43F4-8088-740728378880.vmcx│ │ └── [ 4194816] 31D5C4AB-9443-43F4-8088-740728378880.vmgs│ └── [ 1082332439] Virtual Machines│ ├── [ 0] 41bdd5db-8ed7-4108-a2b7-daa85ee08bda│ ├── [ 60197] 41bdd5db-8ed7
Helloour NAS had a problem and the content was wipe out. So I need to start over with the first full backup.What should be the correct actions to be done? I did a new full backup with success but the Veeam database still show old entries (and I understand that) need you advise thanks