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Last earned badges

  • alexpaynesays has unlocked a badge
    Alfred's Pick
    Alfred's Pick

    Your username was Alfred's pick of the week!

  • pablo.aguilar has unlocked a badge
    VUG Leader
    VUG Leader

    You're a Veeam User Group leader!

  • IamNotANumberIamAFreeMan has unlocked a badge
    Alfred's Pick
    Alfred's Pick

    Your username was Alfred's pick of the week!

  • JailBreak has unlocked a badge
    V100 Show Presenter
    V100 Show Presenter

    You appeared on the V100 Show!

  • hillaryjordan has unlocked a badge
    Veeam Employee
    Veeam Employee

    You are a Veeam employee on the Community Hub!

  • mjamal97 has unlocked a badge
    Veeam Employee
    Veeam Employee

    You are a Veeam employee on the Community Hub!

  • remco.cramer has unlocked a badge
    Veeam Employee
    Veeam Employee

    You are a Veeam employee on the Community Hub!

  • patrick.anderson has unlocked a badge
    Veeam Employee
    Veeam Employee

    You are a Veeam employee on the Community Hub!

  • Jean.peres.bkp has unlocked a badge
    Social Media Star
    Social Media Star

    You're a social media influencer!

  • wouter.oltlammers has unlocked a badge
    Veeam Employee
    Veeam Employee

    You are a Veeam employee on the Community Hub!