VeeamON 2025 San Diego, California
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Just in case anyone is looking for Veeam version numbers you can check this KB to find out and get links to the KB articles related - KB2680: Build numbers and version of Veeam Backup & Replication
Now that we have 2 of the 3 days of VMworld out of the way who’s been following along? What’s new that you see as interesting?Personally the whole project where the management layer of vSphere is containerized I think is both interesting and is going to create some challenges in the near future for those of us thinking about BCDR. That itself lends itself to the idea of the other project where your vSphere management is now done as a Service.From the Veeam perspective I keep thinking about the idea of having physical repositories that I use the project Monterrey smart NICs with to fold them into the NSX overlay to really nail down the connectivity with.
Hi everybody,I am not yet an expert on Veeam B&R but today something happened that is driving me crazy.I have a server on which I have installed Veeam B&R CE and two Windows 10 PCs on which I have installed Veeam Agent CE. I directly configured the two Agents (PC1 and PC2) to back up to the Veeam B&R repository on the server. Connecting to the B&R console on the server I noticed that only one Agent appeared in the Physical Infrastructure in Unmanaged.I repeated the procedure many times and I noticed that appears only the name of the first PC that is connected to the server.Until recently, the names of both PCs were shown in Physical Infrastructure!How is it possible?
Veeam has released backup for Nutanix AHV 3.0. Release notes here - KB4214: Release Information for Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV 3.0
VMworld 2021 offers an opportunity for us all to imagine that there are better tools, superior processes, and automated tasks. And Veeam can’t wait to share all our latest data protection innovations with you! Don’t miss Veeam’s @vmiss33’s LIVE session “Designing for Disaster: Design vSphere for Disaster Recovery with Veeam” on October 6th, 12:30 pm ET! Melissa will share recommended practices from conversations with VMware customers. But that’s not all.We’ll have a special guest aka Alfred the Cat, who might have snuck his way into @vmiss33’s VMworld 2021 presentation! He will be hidden in her slides, so join in on the hunt and see how many times you spot him! Will you find him?
Hello,a customer of mine wants to use a teradata box for a database application.Up to now I have learned already that there is no direct integration with Veeam and that teradata is a little bit “special”. It brings a own data protection solution with it on board. We don’t want to support and maintain a second backup solution besides Veeam for this customer if it is avoidable….Does someone here have some experiences with data protection of a teradata box?My fist idea was to check if the OS is a linux/unix and if it is possible to install a Veeam agent on it. I assume the internal solution can write the backup data in a filesystem and the agent can send it to the VBR server.But perhaps there are some other solutions I didn’t think of. I am looking forward to hear your expertise
As everybody knows, yesterday Facebook has the biggest outage ever register in the company. Just to be clear it has noted that the problem is about DNS and BGP protocol through the network. So, it wasn't attack. It wasn't ransomware. It wasn't hardware problem. I think that is important to talk about these big problems with IT companies, because is very common hear and see so many fake news about this kind of outage. Here is a good post of CloudFlare about the problem:
Soo…. VBO hard to install ? Or you never had the chance to play around with Wasabi object storage? Or you have some internships at the office that have a O365-like-assignment? Some students that suddenly asked you to play around with our tool? Or a client (who has no time as usual) still wants a POC to play around himself… But in real live he/she will never even manage to install it….For the above use-cases i’ve added VBO from-scratch install to a fully functional configurated instance. Redo the steps and you’ve got VBO up and running in less than 15min before the first job kicks in.feel free to use: steps (pending when I have some spare time): restores off course :-)( PS: yes my veeam-sales can now officially configure a backup-job ) edit: wasn’t supposed to be a “question” but “content”...oeps...
Greetings everyone, Veeam Backup for AWS v4 is GA! It can be found on the AWS Marketplace, on the Official Veeam Website, and Helpcenter.Veeam Backup for AWS v4 delivers native, fully automated AWS backup and disaster recovery to effortlessly protect and manage Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Services (Amazon RDS), and Amazon Elastic File Systems (Amazon EFS) data. Built with cost-effectiveness, security, and scalability in mind, you can eliminate the risk of data loss for all your AWS data while saving big!Note: Veeam Backup for AWS v4 as a standalone offering is officially GA as of now. It is also integrated with Veeam Backup & Replication v11a which is currently in Early Availability, with General Availability scheduled for later this month. Veeam Backup for AWS v4 - Video Deep-Dive including What's new, Deployment, Configuration, and Veeam Backup and Replication v11a IntegrationIf you like video tutorials, with a description of what's new,
Just saw this VMworld session of Dell/EMC’s PowerProtect backup solution:Protect Your Virtual Infrastructure with Drastically Less Disruption [SEC2764S]Then I read this article about Transparent Snapshot with Dell/EMC in vSphere: I thought this is a new feature in vSphere 7 U3. But at second glance it is something different. It seems, Dell installs some VIB in the ESXi host. This daemon/service monitors all changed blocks of protected VMs and reports these at backup time. So no vSphere Snapshot is needed.Does anyone knows more about this feature/technology? Am I correct in my assumptions?
Hey guys,I just wanna understand the difference between recovery and recovery verification.Recovery verification is testing VM Backups for malware scan and if nothing found we proceed for restore. While performing recovery, there is an option to perform malware scan.The question here is for recovery if the customer chooses to perform malware scan then what is the difference between recovery & recovery verification? Can anyone tell me or am I wrong somewhere?
Hi,I am useing PowerShell doing VM Restores. It works pretty well. The only thing, that is not working for me, is to place the Target Network. I am restoreing VMs in an different target. If I understand the documentation correct, I need to Get the ViServerNetwork Info from my host. So I put this information in a varible like this:$target = Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo -Server "srv01.veeam.local" | Where-Object { $_.NetworkName -eq "NW01" }But putting this varible to the Start command, the restore process will fail because auf the -TargetNetwork. So what I am doing wrong? Start-VBRRestoreVM –RestorePoint $restorepoint –Server $server –ResourcePool $rpool –Datastore $datastore –PowerUp $true -TargetNetwork $target
As per Gostev’s latest digest Veeam now has a site that you can go to for seeing anything that integrates with Veeam like Storage, S3, etc. No more visiting the “Unofficial” page in the forums.Check it here - can filter with the dropdown lists.Example of S3 with Immutability -
Hello to all,On my Veeam Cloud Connect server I have a SOBR with 2 extents and S3 storage from Wasabi.1 of the 2 extens was recently added but no offload to the S3 was happening.I probably shouldn't have, but I removed the S3 from the sobr then put it back.I ran a rescan and since then I have the "Configuration Database Resynchronize" job running for almost 63 hours ....There are 15TB of backups on the S3 storage.Is it normal that it takes so long? What can I do?Thanks