The Veeam User Group Switzerland started in 2022 and should be open to anyone who is interested in any kind of Veeam products. The User Group has the intention to support the interaction and knowledge sharing between Veeam, partner and customer System Engineers and Architects in all regions and languages of Switzerland.
We want to get the folks back to on-site meetings, as well as continuing to engage virtually.
Our goal is to organize multiple on-site and virtual events per year and to have experts to share their knowledge either in the integration of Veeam with other vendors, showing scripts and automation or even bring the Veeam products closer to the people.
Additionally, we want to bring in new ideas and approaches to solve challenges the customers, service providers and partners have.
The events are for tech people only and there should be no sales activities at all.
We are open if someone wants to participate in organizing events, providing locations, sharing their knowledge with a presentation and so on.
Dario has been working with ITpoint Systems AG for nearly 10 years now as a Team Leader Storage & Virtualization. ITpoint is mainly a Managed Service Provider and a Veeam Partner as well.
He is based in Bern, the most beautiful city in Switzerland ;-)
He has a strong Linux and Open Source Tools background (about 15 years for now) and is doing consulting activities with NetApp for 10 years, VMware for about 13 years and has experience with Veeam products for nearly 6 years now. During 4.5 years he did his Bachelors degree with the Berner Fachhochschule with a specialization in the technical IT-Security domain. Additionally he is holding several certifications from NetApp, VMware, Nutanix and some Open Source vendors. He absolutely loves writing scripts using Powershell and Bash and doing stuff with REST APIs since he has started in IT.
Die Veeam User Group Switzerland hat seinen Anfang im Jahr 2022 genommen und ist für jegliche Personen offen, welche sich für Veeam Produkte interessieren. Die User Group hat die Absicht das Teilen von Wissen zwischen Veeam, Partner und Kunden System Engineers und Architekten in allen Regionen und Sprachen der Schweiz zu unterstützen.
Wir wollen die Leute zurück an physische Events bringen, aber selbstverständlich auch virtuelle Meetings anbieten.
Das Ziel ist mehrere physische und virtuelle Events pro Jahr zu organisieren und eine Plattform für Experten zu bieten, um Wissen über die Integration von Veeam mit anderen Herstellern zu teilen, Scripts und Automatisierung zu präsentieren und die Produkte von Veeam näher an die Leute zu bringen.
Zusätzlich wollen wir neue Ideen und Wege einbringen, um Herausforderungen, welche Kunden, Service Provider und Partner haben, zu meistern.
Die Events sind für technische Personen und sollen keine Verkaufsveranstaltungen darstellen.
Wir sind offen, falls jemand mithelfen möchte Events zu organisieren, Lokationen bereitzustellen oder ihr Wissen mit einer Präsentation zu teilen.