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V12 IS HERE! Much like last year’s V11 Upgrade Center we are doing one for V12! Similar format and check back for updates, as we will have additional resources and I’ll get the latest information from the product management and support teams that should be relayed here. 

This text was last updated:   1-August 2023 (All subsequent updates in the Post-Publish Updates section)

Pre-Installation Section


  • A valid universal license for V11 will work for V12, so if you’ve sorted that already you are good to go and that license will carry the same expiration date over to an upgraded Veeam Backup & Replication Server
  • You may need to obtain a license or ensure you have access to the licensing portal.
  • Note that if you do not have access to the licensing portal (including for your current license), such as if the person who used to do this is no longer in your organization, you can open a Licensing type of case:

Must-See Information

  • As listed in the What’s New Document, NAS backup to tape is a new capability. There is a small note to share, generally speaking the advice is to make sure that you do not make a NAS to disk backup job and a separate NAS to tape backup job; that would consume two licenses. See the text from What’s New below, with the underlined parts of most important. 
    NAS backup to tape — By popular demand, you can now use file share backups as a source for Backup to Tape jobs, thus enabling the classic Disk to Disk to Tape (D2D2T) backup approach for your enterprise NAS filers and file shares. To ensure recoverability at any point in time, this functionality exports files and folders to tape in the native format as opposed to copying blobs of the proprietary NOSQL database behind NAS backups. Since it’s a secondary backup, this functionality does not consume a license.
  • The “Transform previous backup chains into rollbacks" has been deprecated, see this Veeam KB: KB4390: Feature Deprecation: "Transform previous backup chains into rollbacks" (
  • VERY IMPORTANT:  If you are using a service from a Veeam Cloud Service Provider (VCSP), ensure that the service provider is ready for your upgrade. The Early Availability Release or RTM release, build #1402 will need a patch upon GA to go to build #1420. This patch is due later the week of GA, will update here soon. The Installer will warn you in advance, but it is essential you do not upgrade until the Provider informs you that they have upgraded, as this will impact all Cloud Connect functionality with that Provider adversely.
  • Updated 17-Feb: RTM Builds: If the RTM build (#1402) is in use - the GA .ISO build (#1420) will not upgrade to the GA build; please install the RTM to GA Patch: KB4415: Release Information for Veeam Backup & Replication 12 Day 0 Update
  • If cloud plug-ins are used… At GA the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud v4 plug-in is ready, the AWS and Azure plug-ins will be GA a few weeks after V12’s GA. (See Post-Publish Updates - AWS plug-in has taken an update).
  • If the orchestrator product is used… Soon after V12’s GA, we expect Veeam Recovery Orchestrator to GA with the new capabilities.
  • VMware vCloud Director 10.4 is supported with V12, replacing the previous hotfix workaround in this Veeam KB: KB4352: VMware Cloud Director 10.4 Compatibility Patches (
  • Over the coming days, watch the Veeam Ready list for any updates post-v12 for partner solutions that you may have of interest:

Upgrading an Installation to V12

  • From, clicking on Downloads, find the download for V12 that you want. I recommend downloading the “Veeam Data Platform — Advanced” bundle that includes Veeam Backup & Replication V12 and Veeam ONE V12
  • Before an upgrade, ensure your configuration backups are running, are successful, and you know how to get to that storage resource as well as an encryption password if used.
  • Before an upgrade, obtain your single-use credentials on Linux for the VHR if that is used (hardened repository).
  • Support has advised me throughout the RTM phase to ensure that a correct order of operations on an upgrade is followed:
    • First upgrades:  Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, Veeam ONE
    • Second upgrade: Veeam Backup & Replication
    • Third upgrade: Remote components & agents

Post-Publish Updates


Upgrading to V12 Videos

We’ve created a few videos (four are planned) on upgrading to V12, and we’ll share these with some context. Before you do an upgrade, I recommend taking a backup of the components in play (an image-based backup) and also ensure the Veeam Configuration backup is running. You can also download Veeam Community Edition to make a backup of the key Veeam components completely out of band if you want.

Veeam ONE V12 Upgrade:  The first video is from @kirststoner12 on upgrading Veeam ONE to V12:


Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Upgrade: The second video is upgrading one of my environments from V11A to V12:

Veeam Backup & Replication Upgrade: The third video is upgrading one of my VBR servers from V11A to V12:


While my environment proceeded without issue, we realize not all environments will behave the same. If you need help, you can open a case at the Customer Portal.

Question: i will remove VBR from VEM, and do VEM DB migration to postgresql first, and in that during emco backup file creation, if i get message of doing VBR first to postgressql still (hopefully not), i will stop and migration VBR to postgresql first instead.


If it doesn’t give the message, i will continue with VEM to postgresql but do i need to install postgresql first like we are going to install postgressql for VBR as in this article right in the beginning ‘’?

Give that a try and see.  It does not really matter if you get the message about migrating VBR first.

Succesfuilly migrated to postgresql for VBR followed by VEM. Few updates/findings>

Though EM guide says to do EM first followed by VBR as we all know that is the pattern from past also. But when you backup EM DB with example 1 in ‘’, the output says to do VBR migration first to postgresql and then come and do VEM migration to postgresql. So, this is true whether VBR server has been removed from VEM or not, i had it removed and it still came. Bottomline, the EM guide should say, do VBR first or else we should change the message in the output of below (i had pasted that blue screen in previous post here).

Veeam.EM.DB.Migration.exe /file:"C:\EM Configuration\02.emco" /backupemdatabase /encryptionpassword:Password01 /encryptionhint:thatpass


Secondly, the example 2 for restore of VEM, uses VeeamBackupReporting_01 in url They should remove ‘_01’ from it bcz there is no VEM db to begin with in the new install of postgresql. We should keep it the original name as VeeamBackupReporting. Reason is during setting utility, we tend to use the default DB which is VeeamBackupReporting as it pops up like that which is normal else we have to change it to append _01 to it to proceed correctly. ( The KB4409 is good as he uses correct restore option in above without _01. 


Thirdly, the default port picture of 5433 is incorrect below in settings utility>; it should be 5432, and also if i move with windows auth’on it fails to move on to next screen even though my VEM is installed as default local admin user. I had to use the user name/passwd that i had created within pgadmin in the above screen to move on. (Also, even in this article for VBR migration to postgresql where the pgadmin details are noted for veeam user creation, they forgot to put down to add the password for ‘veeam’ user that you just created. Bcz that veeam account and its password is what we have to use in native authentication with the creds).


Also, they should put a limitation verbiage that MFA should be disabled prior to any work with migration to postgresql or config backup also. It errors out way in the end of analysis of DB’s when we are doing restore. Thx


AWS Custom VPC Issue

If you’ve implemented custom VPC’s (using AmazonS3Regions.xml), then you’ll have an issue trying to create Protection Groups in the B&R console. The error is something like ‘Selected data centre region does not support Sts endpoints’.

This is because v12 ships with new endpoints in the default file which need adding to your custom file. E.G. :-

<Endpoint Type="STS" Fips="false"></Endpoint>
<Endpoint Type="SSM" Fips="false"></Endpoint>
<Endpoint Type="SQS" Fips="false"></Endpoint>
<Endpoint Type="KMS" Fips="false"></Endpoint>
<Endpoint Type="KMS" Fips="true"></Endpoint>
<Endpoint Type="S3C" Fips="false"></Endpoint>

These are specific to the region you’re using, so you’ll need to grab the default region file for the exact entries.

For info, the instructions under KB4226 haven’t been updated to reflect the new entries either.

Issue on upgrade with service not stopped, simply solved:
