I failed VMCE exam

Userlevel 7
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Yes, as the title says, I failed the VMCE exam this morning.

69% out of 70% to pass.

I want to share my mistakes so whoever reads this post will be able to do better:

  • If you're a Windows sysadmin like me, don't leave anything related to the Linux world behind. Almost 1/3 of my questions were about Linux. So, it's really really important to have a complete knowledge at 360°.
  • Memorize various options in menus, where it says and what it says.
  • Don't just focus on Veeam Backup and Replication, look at all our other products as well.

Very important are @haslund videos: not to get the answer, but how to get the anwser. He does a great job to explains how to reason to solve questions.

YT links: https://www.youtube.com/@RasmusHaslund/playlists 

Community links: https://community.veeam.com/search/activity/topics?userid=80

Again, @haslund he's the man.
You can even find three exam preps he prepared to help you “simulate” real exam (with obviously different questions).



Remember. The exam is not a point of arrival, but a starting point for understanding what we have to work and study on.

And, in any case, do a better job than me 💩💩💩


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I’m conflicted between wanting to like your topic because the content within is great, but I dislike hearing you didn’t pass the exam this time.


However, sometimes it’s best to take the exam to get a feel of what the exam is really ‘about’.


When I first sat the VMCE, it highlighted that my weaknesses were in Veeam ONE, and tape, and I ensured I spent more time using these, so that by my next VMCE exam I was better prepared!


Dust yourself down, get back up, and try again, that was an insanely close score for passing, and you’re not the first person I know that clipped it by 1% either! Try again! 😁

Userlevel 7
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69% is an unfortunate score when hunting that 70% passing score, just keep in mind it also means there was 31% or close to 1 out of every 3 questions that you answered incorrectly.

The score report will provide clear guidance on where to study and I’m confident you will make it on the next go.

Thank you for the kind words and sharing the links. 
For anyone else reading this, please always start out your journey with creating your traffic light report and the practice exam score report to determine the classic “I don’t know what I don’t know”.

Userlevel 7
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Thank you for sharing this , @marcofabbri ! But really unfortunate indeed! I am sure you will pass it next time 😊🤗 

Userlevel 7
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Azz….I’m sorry

Userlevel 7
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It is a hard exam, so I think it’s no problem to fail it. You will learm from it and do better the next time.

I will try it myself for the first time in the next time… 😎

Userlevel 7
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Make no mistake, the VMCE is no joke. It is indeed difficult. I'm sure you'll pass on the next go @marcofabbri . All the best. 

Userlevel 7
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From all I have seen up to now is the VMCE exam more difficult than the VMCA exam... 😎

Userlevel 7
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Whenever I I fail an exam, while being obviously upset and ego hurt, I nevertheless put a positive spin on it, i.e. this will force me to go back and re-evaluate my knowledge and focus on my strategy. I don’t like the “work harder” argument. “work smarter” is what I focus on. One never attains perfection, but it is the path towards perfection, that if one follows correctly leads you to mastering a subject!

At the end of the day when you are faced with a severity one incident you can’t wave around the exam pass certificate and hope it helps, I would much rather be the fellow that failed once but came back a stronger and more prepared IT specialist for when critical situations emerge that I need to deal with. 

Userlevel 7
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I know exactly what you are feeling my friend! I get 69% too.

Keep strong! Today better than yesterday...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Sorry to hear you did not pass @marcofabbri but use the exam report to brush up on the sections you scored low on.  I know the VMCE is not an easy exam to pass as it took me two tries with the 9.x one when I first started the journey.

Study up on those topics and you will nail it the second try.  We all have faith.  🙏🏼

Userlevel 7
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Don’t give up Marco!!! 🇮🇹

Userlevel 1

@marcofabbri  I admire your post, so helpful and generous considering your setback. I wish you all the best second time around.


Userlevel 7
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I think the only thing worse than failing it is not having taken it yet.  I put it off and regret it.  At least you’ve now seen the exam and you’re quite close...a bit more studying and I’m sure you’ll have it next time.  

As others have said, I’ve done some practice exams and such and for sure my weak spots are going to be the likes of Veeam ONE since I haven’t really dealt with that.  Linux questions would hurt me as well as I too live mostly in the Windows world. 

Best of luck the next time around!

Userlevel 7
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Thank you for your honesty and wise words @marcofabbri 

For me, i farmed test exam from @haslund . I have revised my weaknesses (replication, veeam one) and that was ok. I’m pretty sure, it will be easy for you next time :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Sorry to hear that Marco. But the positive side is that you now know how the exam looks like and what your weak topics are. If you now focus on those, I'm sure you'll make it on your next attempt.

Userlevel 1
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One of the best feelings in my life was get passed both VMCE and VMCA. Read my words as motivation, keep studying and focused.
