Fun Friday #52: Which Database will you be using in v12?

Userlevel 7
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The Veeam Availability Suite v12 is fast approaching, when it arrives, you’ll be able to utilise a Postgres database for VBR and VBEM, will you be using this? Or sticking to your tried and true SQL Server? Further, do you use a standard edition of SQL or higher? Or still using Express? It’d be interesting to hear the split of the people the intend to move to Postgres and what they’re coming from!

What database will be powering your v12 solutions?


Userlevel 4

we will stay with MS SQL 2019 Std. but plan to “migrate” to an AlwaysOn cluster and separate the Veeam databases. especially the VeeamOne DB can grow a lot.. from the performance perspektive it´s not needed but well..

best regrads

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

We have several customers who need the MS SQL Standard Edition at this time.
To reduce costs, we will migrate them after a test period to PostgreSQL.

All other customers… we will see, but I think we will migrate them to PostgreSQL in the future, too. Then all environments are on one standard again.

Userlevel 7
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For the most environments I would suggest to stay at MS SQL Express. It’s proven to work stable and there’s more experience around MS SQL maintenance then PostegreSQL.

If one does hit the SQL Express limitations or experiences performance impacts, then PostgreSQL will be the way to go; or at least should be evaluated.


Userlevel 7
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Not sure yet. I was on SQL, but went to SQL express during a reload of my Veeam server in a pinch.

I keep my config backup pretty safe, so I’m never too concerned, other than the fact it’ll take days to scan all my tapes like last time if the server has to import all the configs. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Looking forward to moving over to Postgres so we can save on SQL licensing as that is the biggest thing for us.  We will move one or two to start and see performance first prior to a wholesale change for all sites.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Some good conversation here, I’m still honestly expecting most of my customers to remain on SQL Server, as I can’t see a lot of willingness for DBAs to let us use production SQL instances as staging servers, I can certainly see some scenarios where it makes a lot of sense though.

Userlevel 7
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I voted Postgres, but I have to evaluate.  My Postgres experience is pretty minimal, but for our SMB client base, Standard is overkill.  On the same note, on our Service Provider Console, I ran over the 10GB limit after about a year with only about 20 clients in it, so if they can get that moved over to Postgres, that would be great though I have already migrated it to SQL Standard at this point.

Userlevel 7
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I voted Postgres, but I have to evaluate.  My Postgres experience is pretty minimal, but for our SMB client base, Standard is overkill.  On the same note, on our Service Provider Console, I ran over the 10GB limit after about a year with only about 20 clients in it, so if they can get that moved over to Postgres, that would be great though I have already migrated it to SQL Standard at this point.

VSPC doesn‘t get PostgreSQL support in the next version.

Only VBR does.

We are happy to hear about that request in the RnD forum:

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

I will selfishly wait for feedback on postgresql especially on windows :), maybe in v12a or v13!

Userlevel 7
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I'll probably wait a bit before migrate my existing clients to Postgres, except for the ones who arrive to SQL Express limits.

For new installation I will probably install Veeam with Postgre except if my client have some needs for specific dev.

On the VSPC side, I ll stay in SQL Standard cause Postgre is not supported as Veeam One.

In the security view I don’t know if Postgre is more secure than MS SQL or if we need to apply some hardening too.

Badge +2

i will probibly use postgres with new deployments,, wont be migrating customers over on current setups unless there is a technical need to do so.
