FIX Unable to obtain IP address for help host ubuntu Linux server

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
  • Veeam Vanguard, Veeam Legend

Today, I tried to restore a file for the Linux server, it failed and the error message was “Unable to obtain IP address for host ‘ubuntu2310”

I check the Log from Restore Session, it show “Failed to mount restore point. Unable to obtain IP addresses for host ubuntu2310”

Check the DNS records and it looks good.

Ping the host from the VBR Server and it looks good as well.

Check the hostname from the Linux server to ensure the hostname. It has no issue.

Why Unable to obtain the IP address for help host the ubuntu Linux server? I solved it and the steps are as follows.

Run sudo apt update at the Linux Server.

Run sudo apt-get install samba at the Linux server.

Try to re-run restore steps from the VBR console and the error has gone.





Userlevel 7
Badge +19

??...not sure why installing Samba is a resolution for that. 🤔

Glad you got it sorted Cary!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

That is an interesting fix that you have to update and install Samba to fix an IP error.  😂

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Right?...never heard of that needing done.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Ya, It’s very interesting. I know lots of Linux experts here. Someone could explain why or provide another solutions. I am still learning Linux stuffs.😀

Userlevel 7
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I was the same way beginning of the yr; still no expert, but moderately well-versed with Linux. Why did you decided to install Samba? What led you to that solution? Curious...

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I was the same way beginning of the yr; still no expert, but moderately well-versed with Linux. Why did you decided to install Samba? What led you to that solution? Curious...

oh, I have no idea why this error happened, everything is looks fine, I can ping it from VBR, hostname is right. so I started to research it from google and someone has the same issues. I forgot the link.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hmm..I would ping Veeam Support on the need for this Cary, as it opens up I believe needless services on your Linux server. Just a suggestion. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

it maybe a good idea, but this linux vm is sitting in the Hyper-V environment.

This is not the first time I have the similar issues. The ubuntu 2004 that I cannot even to add it to VBR 11a, I cannot ping it as well. It was be solved to install samba.

The ubuntu 2310 has no added to vbr12 and ping issues, but it has restore file issues. To install samba to solved it. I will do more test when I have a moment and update here.😀

Userlevel 3

If there is no “samba installed” and connecting host via IP works fine. 

Userlevel 3

Hello @CarySun

Can you give us details of your environment?

We know that you did try use existing Ubuntu 23.10 as helper mount server.

What about location of your repository? Is it Windows or Linux based?

Can you check if your server, which serves as Repository can resolve/ping ubuntu2310



Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@rovshanpashayev the ubuntu2310 is a vm of Hyper-V, the repository is Windows-based, and the location is the same as the Linux and Hyper-V. I can ping the Linux server from any server and hosts.

I am still on vacation in Porto of the Portugal. If you need more information and test. I will be happy to do it after back to Canada. Thank you!

Userlevel 3

@CarySun Yes, let’s get in touch once you are Back :) 

Userlevel 1

It may be because the Hyper-V host can’t provide the ip address and Veeam might be querying it. 

Running this PS query shows empty for my linux hosts on hyper-v

get-vm | ?{$_.State -eq "Running"} | select -ExpandProperty networkadapters | select vmname, macaddress, switchname, ipaddresses | ft -wrap -autosize

Userlevel 1

Just an update, I’ve been able to get this to work once I installed Hyper-V integration Services on the ubuntu guest vm’s. 

apt install linux-azure 

Once that was done and one reboot later, I was able to install the management agent from the B&R console as well as the vm’s to the backup without any hassle. Adding the Integration services also lets you make production snapshots so win-win. Running the above script get-vm .. now returns the Ip address of all the linux boxes where the integration service is running. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Just an update, I’ve been able to get this to work once I installed Hyper-V integration Services on the ubuntu guest vm’s. 

apt install linux-azure 

Once that was done and one reboot later, I was able to install the management agent from the B&R console as well as the vm’s to the backup without any hassle. Adding the Integration services also lets you make production snapshots so win-win. Running the above script get-vm .. now returns the Ip address of all the linux boxes where the integration service is running. 

Glad to hear you solved the issue. Integration services are similar to VMware tools - you need them installed. 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Just an update, I’ve been able to get this to work once I installed Hyper-V integration Services on the ubuntu guest vm’s. 

apt install linux-azure 

Once that was done and one reboot later, I was able to install the management agent from the B&R console as well as the vm’s to the backup without any hassle. Adding the Integration services also lets you make production snapshots so win-win. Running the above script get-vm .. now returns the Ip address of all the linux boxes where the integration service is running. 

I am just back to Canada from vacation and I still have no time to retest it. Glad to you fix your issues and share it.

Welcome to community btw.

Did you find a solution?

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Did you find a solution?

Look three posts up from yours as they posted a solution.

Userlevel 3

Hi @ckrracing 

Thanks for your input firstly. 

I also would like to ask following:

  • Is your repository Windows? 
  • If so, can it resolve (example ping) the Linux VM where you would like to mount the restore point?


Userlevel 1

Hi @ckrracing 

Thanks for your input firstly. 

I also would like to ask following:

  • Is your repository Windows? 
  • If so, can it resolve (example ping) the Linux VM where you would like to mount the restore point?


Repo is Synology NAS, not Windows unfortunately.
