vauth - Rust based Veeam API authentication library

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Hi all,

Following on from my Go-Veeam-Auth library, I've created another authentication library for Rust.

As with the Go library it takes that tricky authentication step out of the equation letting you get to the fun stuff.

I know that there aren't many Rust developers yet, but I'm convinced that adoption will increase significantly over the next few years. (It's already been added to the Linux kernal and companies like AWS, MS and Google are adopting it

It's a great language for CLI apps especially when combined with the Clap crate (library). It's also very fast, has a small compile size due to the small standard library, cross-compiles on everything, supports WASM, and has iron clad memory safe without a garbage collector. What's not to love? (Also the Trait system is a thing of beauty, it allow you to attach methods to pretty much anything)

I'm planning to also create a new version of VCLI in Rust called VCLI-RS because why not? 

If anyone is interested in joining me on my Rusty journey and would like to know more, drop me a message.

Keep coding!



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