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Hola que tal. Es mi Primer post.

Hace 2 semanas que hemos estado junto a soporte veeam intentando saber que causa que los jobs que usan como proxy y/o repositorio de un determinado server fallen con el mismo error.


El error es el mismo para Vms de VMware como para agentes de servidores físicos.
El error comenzó de un dia para otro.

Se actualizó VB a su ultima versión y ultimo parche (

El error es el siguiente:

Failed to pre-process the job Error: Failed to call RPC function 'FcWriteFileEx': The remote procedure call failed and did not execute. RPC function call failed. Function name: aDoRpcWithBinary]. Target machine: i172.16.21.191:6160].  

Los servicios funcionan correctamente en todos los repositorios y servidores.

El error tambien aparece al realizar Rescan al repositorio:

Warning    Failed to enumerate NAS backup metadata files Details: Failed to call RPC function 'StartAgent': The remote procedure call failed. RPC function call failed. Function name: nDoRpc]. Target machine: a172.16.21.191:6162].

Se deshabilitó el repositorio como proxy, por lo que los demás jobs se estan respaldando y usan el proxy del otro repositorio y servidor veeam.

Los permisos del servidor veeam son los correctos.

Ahora está afectando al otro repositorio…… si falla eso estaremos en problemas.


Espero puedan ayudarme !


If you are working with Veeam Support I would suggest you stay on course with them as they will be able to determine the issue quicker than we can. The community is not support and we only offer suggestions based on our experiences.  Let us know how it goes with support.

Well, if you can suggest some things to me, I will read them carefully.

With an error like that there is not much to suggest as others have reported similar and had to deal with support to address it.  Hopefully others can chime in.

Unfortunately, for 2 weeks Veeam Support has not even been able to find out the cause, much less a solution.
