
On-prem backup restore to AliCloud

Userlevel 1

Dear All,


I have a technical issue.


Installed Veeam B&R 12.1 and use pre-install agent method install to VMs in AliCloud, also backup to on-prem is successful. I read KB without mention on-prem restore to AliCloud.


How dose on-prem backup restore to AliCloud?? Thanks.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hello @chriswong17! Currently Veeam does not support Alicloud as a restore target, therefore there is no direct restore possible. For agent backups, if you manage to boot the recovery media in a Alicloud VM you might be able to do a bare metal restore. 

Userlevel 1

Dear @regnor 

Thanks provide information and I will try use Alibaba Cloud provided method restore to AliCloud.

