Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform has several features and capabilities:
Cloud-native backup
- Automates native snapshots for incredibly low RPOs and RTOs
- Policy-based protection for ease and scalability
- Simple web-based management UI
- Quickly deployed from the GCP Marketplace
- Industry-first backup cost estimation delivers ultimate cost control
- Backing up to object storage dramatically reduces costs when compared with keeping snapshots
- Flexible licensing choices include FREE or BYOL options, including portable Veeam Universal License (VUL)
- Support for multiple projects and cross project backup and recovery
- Multi-factor authentication for backup admins
And, thanks to Veeam’s extensive platform and our portable backup format, you get unlimited data portability to back up, recover and migrate across ANY supported platform. One of your cloud platforms goes down? No problem — just recover it somewhere else. Did your company’s cloud platform of choice change? Just migrate the workloads where they need to be. Veeam delivers no platform lock-in, no prescriptive approaches. Just industry-leading backup and recovery, purpose built for the environments they’re designed to protect so you never lose a single byte.