VMCE Study Hall Session Webinar Feedback

Userlevel 7
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Hello Community!

Thank you to all who were able to join our 1st VMCE Study Session webinar today:

I hope you all found it beneficial, insightful, and most of all helpful in attaining your VMCE study goals. And thank you especially to @ravatheodor for his time and expertise in delivering the study information today.

Now, I want to hear back from you all. What did you think of the session? Do you think continuing to have study sessions like this in the future would help those currently studying for the VMCE? Do you find them helpful to you? How can we make them better? Please share any ideas you have for future VMCE Study Session webinars.

Hope everyone has a great rest of your week!



Userlevel 3
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Hi, i wasn’t able to partecipate to this event today, but i would ask you if any recorded version will be available to us.

Thank you.

Userlevel 7
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It was good for the little bit I could catch after fixing the audio on my darn laptop.  😂

I think having the recording available to all is useful for review as the discussion was very good with everyone.

Looking forward to the next one and giving better feedback.

Userlevel 6
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I couldn't attend due to work. I hope it happens again, I would love to participate

Userlevel 7
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I am verifying if the session was recorded. Will post back when I find out.

Userlevel 7
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I am verifying if the session was recorded. Will post back when I find out.

It looked like it was being recorded but will wait for confirmation.

Userlevel 6
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I am verifying if the session was recorded. Will post back when I find out.

thank u, this is good news for me

Userlevel 7
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Hello all. Apologies, but Razvan forgot to start the recording on yesterday’s webinar. But, don’t fret. I’ll be sharing an overview post on topics/items discussed, as well as some nuggets from the User Guide on both topics.

We’ll make sure to get the recording next time. Again...apologies.

Userlevel 7
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Another thought I had was about having the trainer who does the session create a summary PPT file that could also be shared covering the topics, some tips/tricks, documentation links, etc.  I know much of that floated around in the chat but to have something like this might help others too as they can gather them to create a “study document” or the like.

Userlevel 7
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@Chris.Childerhose good idea! 
