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Hi everyone, 

I am struggling with a “simple” request. How can I “clone” a Persistent Volume, so I can manually re-attach it to a POD?
The Transforms just apply to PersistentVolumeClaims, not to PersistentVolumes.

Thank you!


Cloning can be done by using k10 to restore the volumes to a new namespace by deselecting all the spec artifacts but only the volumes. Eventually, you will have ready to use a newly cloned/restored PVC to configure a pod. ( to be precise, it is a restoring process from the current snapshot )


at some length cloning still can be done by creating volumesnapshot from the current volume which dynamically creates a volumesnapshotcontent, at this point, you are ready to clone this volumesnapshotContent with the source specified snapshotHandle 

then you can create voluemsnapshot from that cloned volumesnapshotcontent and use this volumesnapshot as a source to create a volume.



Ahmed Hagag

Cloning can be done by using k10 to restore the volumes to a new namespace by deselecting all the spec artifacts but only the volumes. Eventually, you will have ready to use a newly cloned/restored PVC to configure a pod. ( to be precise, it is a restoring process from the current snapshot )


at some length cloning still can be done by creating volumesnapshot from the current volume which dynamically creates a volumesnapshotcontent, at this point, you are ready to clone this volumesnapshotContent with the source specified snapshotHandle 

then you can create voluemsnapshot from that cloned volumesnapshotcontent and use this volumesnapshot as a source to create a volume.



Ahmed Hagag

Hello Ahmed, 

just to be 100% sure, so there’s no “simple” way to clone a PV and bound it to a PVC inside the same namespace, right?
Thanks for the answer!

