As a followup to my post yesterday about finding the versions for all active tenants hitting the Veeam Cloud Connect server, I decided to take it a step further and publish my Veeam Service Provider Dashboard.
I built this dashboard out of necessity to gather information from Veeam for our infrastructure that simply couldn’t be found in Veeam’s existing products. For example, VeeamONE contains some gateway traffic metrics, but it doesn’t contain how many tasks are hitting your Cloud Connect Server, the repositories, or each individual proxy. I wanted a way to track running jobs across time - at what times are our Cloud Connect servers getting hit the hardest? This kind of morphed into gathering more information about SOBRs and Repositories in general. Recently, I wanted to grab product versions our tenants are using.
After developing this I had a much better idea of what was hitting our environment and when - which led to a much better architecture for the environment itself. Now that I know our peaks and valleys I could design an infrastructure to fit.
The write up got a bit long so I published it on my blog here:
Feedback is welcome!
PS: You may notice I don’t have much information for repositories on this dashboard. However, SOBR information is being gathered by the script, so you can modify my dashboard to your liking if you want to capture SOBR data as well.