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Hi Folks,


I wrote a few posts about Kasten on Minikube and mentioned that there was an issue with the Prometheus pod not starting up correctly. Being pressed for time i simply checked the values in the Helm chart and saw that you could disable persistence (just add to the helm install command “--set prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled=false”)  and everything worked fine after that.

Nevertheless it bothered me that it was not working. Today I decided to dig a bit deeper and remembered that it had something to do with permissions.

In the container logs I found the prometheus container could not open a file in persitstent volume “/data/” I grabbed the yaml file

k get po -n kasten-io prometheus-server-5f8795dd55-s8c4c -oyaml >prometheus.yaml

and saw right away that the Kasten Helm chart properly runs the pod as a non root user and remembered that I had seen issues with this before with other types of deployments

fsGroup: 65534
runAsGroup: 65534
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 65534

The trick then is to run an init container that changes the permissions on this folder so that the main container can access it. I looked at the Helm chart values and did not see any setting like this (bitnami charts have a setting for this) so decided to try home grown and possibly ugly solutions. I ran the Kasten install and then immediately ran a fixer pod with the following declaration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: fix
name: fix
namespace: kasten-io
- image: debian:stable
name: fix
command: "chown", "-R", "65534:65534", "/data"]
command: "/bin/chmod","-R","777","/data"]
- name: storage-volume
mountPath: /data
subPath: ""
- name: storage-volume
claimName: prometheus-server

The result was that the prometheus-server container in the prometheus pod came up and everything is running smoothly.


You can then delete the fix pod since it has already fulfilled its task.  I have only seen this issue when installing Kasten on Minikube which is only for dev/demo purposes so this is not a major issue but was fun to fix nevertheless.

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