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We have an issue on some Veeam backup server, some jobs do not do the synthetic backup and here 

we will have an excess on the number of restore points set by veeam job.

We need to get alert on job who’s exceeds a number of restore points.

Need help


Hey, are you sure that veeam is making a mistake here?
It is a very common issue of missunderstanding that veeam has more restore points then configured which synthetic fulls. This is by design because veeam needs these points for the synthetic full.
Please share your job settings, restore point number, how often does the job run and when is the synthetic full. Then we can doublecheck this.



Yes, is mistake veeam because the Sythetic job fail so the job go foward and it did not respect the max number of restore point to keep.

i need help on way to get veeam  job where the number of restore point is exceeded for vm.

Like @MatzeB said, Veeam organizes backups in backup chains. Synthetic fulls finish the actual chain, but the chain is not removed after it is finished. Otherwise the number of restore points would be too less. So the “old” chain is kept until the desired number of restore points is reached again.

Please see the different chain types and their retention here:

Yes, is mistake veeam because the Sythetic job fail so the job go foward and it did not respect the max number of restore point to keep.

i need help on way to get veeam  job where the number of restore point is exceeded for vm.

Please post an example with your settings.

Do you get an error messing during the synthetic full creation?

Hi @M.aoudiani -

Welcome to the Community. As others have already mentioned, the restore point retention may or may not be an actual issue. You say you’re configured to do Synthetic Fulls, although they’re failing, so we can assume you’re performing the Fwd Incremental backup method? Veeam should keep restore points for the retention you have configured for your Jobs, respective of if your Synthetics fail or not. So in that regard, you could have an issue.

There is another reason your Jobs may seem like they’re not removing restore points in the time configured for the Job → Immutability. The immutability time period does not begin until after the last restore point in an *active chain* is created (not necessarily retention period chain). And, immutablity takes precedence over Job retention configuration. To read more on immutability and how retention works, see below:

And pay particular attn to the “Retention” section, first paragraph:


Hope that helps. Maybe share more details about how you have your Job(s) configured so we can help. At the very least, you should probably open a Support Case with Veeam.


You need the synthetic full backups to succeed. You could set the job to forever forward and reduce the number of retention points in order to bring the chain under control. However I'd strongly recommend getting the issue with the full’s failing resolved.

Hi @coolsport00 

Thank you for replay.

We have configured the synthetic backup on monday and incremental on other day, with a retention of number of point de restore to 30.

but here, we have job with VM that the number of restore point on 100; if we check heen we obtain an issue on synthetic backup, we do an Active full , after all work fine but we need to wait until retention date until the restore point will be removed.

We don’t use Immutability.


Hi @M.aoudiani -

Ok, so it appears you were able to run an Active to get most of your restore points back to normal? In this Job is only 1 VM in the Job having a problem removing restore points to meet retention of 30? Without way more info it’s hard to determine as to why. I recommend opening a case up with Veeam Support to see what the issue is.

Yes, here we have 10 veeam server and about 100 job’s

I need help on how to get the number of restore point on all vm ?




her ei need an script or help on how to get the number of all vm’s restore point

It’s difficult to determine the problem without further information.

Please share the configuration of the job and the error message during the synthetic full creation.


The script you want will not solve the problem, it handles just the symptoms...

Depending on your license type you could install Veeam ONE as it has reporting for what you are looking for but as many have said more details on your job configuration, etc are needed to help. 

Yeah, if you’re getting an error when it’s trying to generate the synthetic full, it would be good to see what that error is because until a full is created (either synthetic or active), that backup chain will continue because that full is what starts a new chain, and as long as there isn’t a new chain created, it can’t remove any of the restore points from the old chain.
