Forgive me for this new discussion and please do delete if it is not the right place to ask. I am trying to do a bit of studying around my job currently and wanted to clarify a few points with Veeam (in the process of doing a small course).
I'm getting very confused with the differences between forward incremental and reverse incremental backups and wondered if you could clarify. Am i correct in thinking when choosing forever forward incremental backup, that if there is no synthetic backup scheduled, then the first full backup is completed followed by incremental the days thereafter. Therefore, if you wanted to complete a full restore, you would need to restore that original full backup followed by every single incremental up to the date of the full restore?
And if a full backup is done, the retention period is approx 6 months and there are no synthetic backups scheduled.. then if there is a day mid way through that the backup job fails, then this runs the risk of not being able to restore at all? Therefore, putting a strong idea on making sure the synthetic backups are indeed scheduled?
Whereas it was my undserstanding that with reverse incremental backups, it doesn't create separate incremental files but instead takes a snapshot of the entire system and overwrites the same full backup file? So therefore, why are there incremental files and what is the point? Is this for restoration?
I apologise for the questions, any help would be massively appreciated.