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Over the years we have encountered lots of situations where other engineers disable a job with the intention of returning later of after a day or so to enable the job, but this never happens.

There are 100+ reasons to disable a job but lots of times, a job is disabled with the intention of enabling it shortly after. We just do not have the correct option to use.

It would be nice if instead of disabling a job we had the option to PAUSE FOR 30m, 60m, 90m, 1day, 2days, 1week, custom length.



PS. No need to expand on what happens when disaster hits and a job had been disabled weeks ago…

Hi ​@marioarce,

It is not possible to “pause” a job (it can either be enabled or disabled) but you can work with the schedule. If the job runs at 10 pm each day and you have no periodic SQL log backup or anything configured you can expect to have no communitation to productive workloads.


Depending on why you want to temporarily disable jobs, this could be an idea.


Second thought: You can use Veeam ONE to send alerts if a job is disabled and maybe work with thresholds to control the frequency of the messages. This could help to avoid forgetting to turn jobs back on.




@marioarce -

Your best bet to suggest feature requests is to post on the Veeam Forums where Veeam Product Managers have the most visibility into posts such as these. They tend to respond often as well and can also give you a timeline or probability of the request if it will make it in a feature release or not.

