
Error: The network is at full capacity Asynchronous request operation has failed

  • 7 September 2023

Userlevel 1


I keep receiving the following error:

07.09.2023 10:22:46 :: Error: The network is at full capacity
Asynchronous request operation has failed. [requestsize = 4202496] [offset = 28447543296]
Failed to open storage for read access. Storage: [SRV0.0b687652-e276-468d-ae11-5752ee60952cD2023-09-06T073613_7D94.vbk].
Failed to restore file from local backup. VFS link: [summary.xml].
Target file: [MemFs://frontend::CDataTransferCommandSet::RestoreText_{24f4ff8c-0dfa-4529-af7b-0d2e742d953b}]. CHMOD mask: [0].
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.RestoreText}.

I create a backup copy from the backup as a secondary target and want to store it on a NAS (Synology SMB3 share).

I have a second hardware server that I can back up to a second Synology with completely the same settings in an SMB3 share without any problem. The only difference is that NAS1 uses ext4 and NAS2 uses btrfs.

What can I change to make things work again?


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Rene Ceron  

what kind of restore are you trying? 

With “Failed to open storage for read access” message it ssems as VEEAM has not permission on that NAS. An advice that I always give to my customers is to disable “Recycle bin” on NAS. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Rene Ceron - need some more details on what you’re doing.

  • What Veeam version are you on?
  • What specific task are you doing which provokes the error?
  • What is your Veeam setup? i.e. Do you have all Veeam components on the Veeam server (Simple deployment), or do you have separate components (Proxy/Repo on different servers)?
  • How are you presenting your Synology NAS Volume? Is the Volume connected to a Windows or Linux server as a Repo? Are you using ReFS or NTFS filesystem for your Repo Volume

Please provide additional info so we can assist you better.

Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Along with providing the details that Shane mentioned also another thing to check is the credentials being used for the NAS and SMB share.  Ensure they are correct and try entering them again to refresh the connection to see if that helps.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I know it sounds silly have you tried rebooting the Veeam server as it could be something simple such as a process holding port locks and your getting port exhaustion.
