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How would my Backup copy Job chain look?
Backup Jobs are 7 restore points (Incrementals + Synthetic Fulls)

Backup Copy Jobs will also have 7 Restore points.

As I’m going trough some old discussions I can see that with Forward incrementals and first Full Backup with backup copy jobs everything has stay above 7 restore points.

Also one more question, do I need to seed backup copy jobs if I’m going to use WAN Acceleration in High Bandwidth Mode


You can see how the BCJ works from here - How Backup Copy Works - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

Also, if you are using WAN Accelerators in the HB mode then you should not have to seed the backups.

Hi @NemanjaJanicic - as I shared in your previous post, BCJ restore points are their own files. They do not resemble your source Backup job files. The first file of the BCJ will be a Full, then all subsequent files will be increments. That’s in the Guide I posted in your previous post, which is the same link Chris shared above.

I think you had a previous post also talking about WAN Accelerators for BCJs, and as stated there...High Bandwidth mode configured for source and target does not use global cache. No seeding is required there. 

Hope this helps.

Hi @NemanjaJanicic 😊 Again, just following up with this older post to see if there we helped answer your question? If not, please let us know.

