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fuse-libs is needed by(Problem agent Linux CentOs


i install 


on linux centos 7

but when run Job i see this error 


Failed to install Veeam Agent for Linux: error: Failed dependencies:   

 fuse-libs is needed by veeam- Failed to invoke rpc command  


This system does not have internet access and I have to install this manually. 
What version of fuse-libs should I install?

To resolve the dependency error you're seeing, you'll need to manually install the correct version of the fuse-libs package for CentOS 7.

The error message indicates that fuse-libs is required by the Veeam package you are trying to install. The specific version of fuse-libs you need should match the libraries compatible with CentOS 7.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Determine the correct version: For CentOS 7, the version of fuse-libs should typically be compatible with the CentOS 7 repository version. The package version is usually 2.9.x.

  2. Download the fuse-libs RPM package: Since your system does not have internet access, you will need to download the package on another machine with internet access.

    You can use a website like or CentOS Vault to find the appropriate version of fuse-libs for CentOS 7.

    Look for a package like:

  3. Transfer the RPM file: Once you have downloaded the correct fuse-libs RPM package, transfer it to your CentOS 7 system using a method such as USB, SCP, or another available means.

  4. Install the RPM package manually: Run the following command to install the fuse-libs RPM package:

  5. sudo rpm -ivh /path/to/fuse-libs-2.9.2-11.el7.x86_64.rpm

  6. Verify the installation: After installing fuse-libs, you can verify that the dependency is resolved by running: rpm -q fuse-libs

  7. Re-run the Veeam installation or job: Try running your Veeam job again to see if the dependency issue has been resolved.

thank you  bmujahid


I do not have a correct understanding of this package. And I just got acquainted with this package. My system is a server and there are a number of virtual box simulator VMs in it. Does this package not cause a disturbance in the system?

Ran into this same issue 2 weeks ago. Downloaded and installed manually and there was zero interruption of services. 
