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Hello All,

I have successfully completed the installation of Kasten-io application.

When I run the commands below to see the token information of the service accounts, it does not give any error message, but it does not show the token information either. Has anyone encountered and solved this problem before?

kubectl get secret $sa_secret --namespace kasten-io -ojsonpath="{.data.token}{'\n'}" | base64 --decode

sa_secret=$(kubectl get serviceaccount my-kasten-sa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}" --namespace kasten-io)



@emre.ozer Thank you for posting this question.

Can you describe and verify if your SA has a token secret created for it ?

From K8s 1.24, Automatic creation of token secrets for SA is stopped by default and you need to request token from the kubeapiserver using TokenRequest API.

So if you are using k8s 1.24, there’s a possibility that you don’t have that secret.

You can however generate one token as per your convenience using the below command.

kubectl -n kasten-io create token <serviceAccountName> --duration=1h 

  - Jaiganesh


@jaiganeshjk Thank you very much for your great solution. It’s working fine. I’m able to access dashbord with your support.
