Trying to get K10 working with linkerd service mesh in a test cluster.
Prior to deploying linkerd, k10 is working ok doing csi snapshots (Rook Ceph provider) and mysql logical backups (using the kanister example) with backups going to a minio cluster living in its own namespace.
I have mesh enabled on the k10, minio and vaultwarden namespaces (testing using vaultwarden as I know it quite well and it uses a database). mysql logical backup is temporarily disabled. Unfortunately, k10 export fails:
- k10 appears to come up fine - no errors - all pods communication with each other - ui works fine
- vaultwarden works fine
- backup csi snapshot works fine
- backup export to minio fails with error (clip below)
state: Failed
startTime: 2023-02-28T09:58:27Z
endTime: 2023-02-28T09:59:26Z
name: ""
name: ""
cause: '{"cause":{"cause":{"cause":{"message":"Failed to exec command in pod:
Internal error occurred: error executing command in container: failed to
exec in container: failed to start exec
\"5e49e0fa33a9aa7ca1c6c1ff161305332754f0b7227f21173c51b44c794e8cba\": OCI
runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec:
\"kopia\": executable file not found in $PATH:
to connect to the backup
to create Kopia repository for data
to copy artifacts"}'
message: Job failed to be executed
progress: 100
Additional information:
- no authorization restrictions are set in linkerd in these 3 namespaces so it is wide open
- the K10 UI shows the minio location profile as validated
- if I switch to sidecar snapshotting, the snapshot gets sent ok to the minio kasten-backup bucket (I can see the data in the Minio ui) so access to minio from the vaultwarden namespace appears to be ok BUT the k10 export still fails
- while k10 is exporting, I see pods briefly appearing in the k10 namespace presumably to do the export
- I previously tried the above with istio and k10 failed with communication errors so linderd is definitely a step further
In sum, it seems that the k10 ui and the sidecar snapshotter work and can communicate with minio but the k10 export fails.
Any ideas even just where to troubleshoot next.