Maybe this is just me, but has anyone else been having issues with the Management Agent dropping out from reporting to the Service Provider Console?
It seems like since the upgrade to 8.1 I’ve had a few agents that have started dropping on occasion. If I attempt to restart the Management Agent service, it times out stopping the service. If I manually kill Veeam.MBP.Agent.exe and then start the service again it runs fine, connect and start communicating with the console properly again. This morning I had three agents that I had to do this to and one of them wasn’t reporting point usage to the console for the 1st of the month point recording although after I killed and started the agent manually it did phone home the point utilization. That said, I wasn’t able to approve the company reporting because it had errored out previously so I had to tell it to generate the report and have that process override the approval of the reporting or that company.
Strangely, I had another company error out even though it did report point usage and it was communicating correctly with the agent as well but it just noted that it failed to approve the usage report and to contact technical support.

It doesn't happen a lot with the agent losing connection, but I swear I’ve had this issue on a couple of different machines over the past couple months and wanted to see if anyone else had experience any similar issues.