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Hi Folks,


This needs to be mentioned. The who’s who in the cloud came out. This has some of the biggest names in Kubernetes and Cloud Native contained in it.

@michaelcade has made it! Yes that is Kelsey Hightower listed just a bit lower down from google who created the “Kubernetes the Hard Way” exercise and is one of the original Kubernetes founders.




Our Kubernetes Korner has some solid leadership folks!!!

Wow congrats @michaelcade 

WOW this is amazing! Congrats @michaelcade🎈 

Great work and super congrats @michaelcade 



Man that photo is me in 2013 😞 I need to change it. I blast stuff out here randomly but Michael has the organized approach nailed down here  If this had been out when I started in Devops, I would have saved so much time and not had chunks of knowledge missing here and there which I need to backpedal and fill now 🙂. Little secret, in this weeks Kasten Konnekt youtube show I will be….. well tune in and see!! :) 


Man that photo is me in 2013 😞 I need to change it. I blast stuff out here randomly but Michael has the organized approach nailed down here  If this had been out when I started in Devops, I would have saved so much time and not had chunks of knowledge missing here and there which I need to backpedal and fill now 🙂. Little secret, in this weeks Kasten Konnekt youtube show I will be….. well tune in and see!! :) 

When can we order these shirts. 🤣


Are these the next free Veeam t-shirts? 😂😂😂

Congratulations @michaelcade, well deserved!
