I have a question to all fellow service providers about Kasten K10 Licensing.
At the moment each Kubernetes worker node is licensed with more than 200 points per month, regardless of the size of the worker node and/or the number of pods running on them.
How do you sell this product to your customers - especially in the beginning of their containerization journey when they don’t have that much containers/pods on the Kubernetes worker nodes?
I have tried to suggest a change to Kasten K10 licensing with two or three sizes of worker nodes - e.g. Small, Medium and Large with different amount of points for licensing.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to ruin prizes for Veeam products, but I have a problem to position Kasten K10 at my customers with the current license model and I would like to hear if I am the only one or if you have the same issue...
What do you think? Should the Kasten K10 licensing be changed? Or do you have no problem with the current licensing?
The last option of the poll was lost during creation of this topic.
The third option was “Do you have another idea for the license model? Please explain in the comments.”
So, please feel free to share your ideas. 😎