Hi Everyone, I have just moved over to Kasten on loan from Veeam to really focus on the Technical Community and Content. I thought I would ask the Veeam community about your experiences so far into the learning journey of Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologies.
I have been on this learning curve for the past 2 years and there is still quite a bit to tackle and as always in technology you can go as far and as wide on all areas of learning. I have started to document this for the blog my building out an environment in my home lab.
I want to see how you are all navigating this? Any training methods you have found?
Are your companies starting to or into the Kubernetes journey?
and here is another one, how long before we see this trend become our normal, most likely alongside virtualisation which we all know and love today.
Finally I would love to hear from you if you have Kubernetes or Kasten blog content because we want to share this as wide as possible.