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error host discovery

Hello friends, could you help me with a problem?

I have a cluster with 8 HP servers, and they run Windows Server 2012 R2 and the Hyper-V feature.

I have a Veeam Backup Community and every time I register my servers as a Hyper-V Stand-Alone Cluster, after a few hours, Host Discovery gives an error and gets disconnected. It only reconnects when I repeat the process of including the Host again, but then, after a few hours, it stops again.

And with this problem, all the backups I schedule give an error.

Does anyone have any tips for me?




What version of Veeam are you using?  12.x?  Have you checked things like permissions, UAC, etc. as are typical with Veeam and Hyper-V?

The logs are here if you want to check them further to see what might be causing the disconnect - C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\folder

If still stuck for things like this Support is usually the best bet.

Hi @silviotavaresspassu -

Welcome to the Community! I couldn’t find anything explicitly on the ‘interwebz’ about your exact issue. But I did find this spiceworks post. They shared some good things you can try:

  • First, have you changed anything lately? In other words, ever since you added those HV Hosts, did they work even with discovery and then recently started failing, or have they always failed after Discoery ever since adding?
  • Check to make sure DNS for said HV Hosts is setup and working
  • Make sure Windows firewall and/or UAC is set or disabled correctly
  • Are the Veeam Services on the HV Hosts started and working properly? Do the Services stop or error out at all?
  • Has the account used to connect the HV Hosts changed or is it still valid?

Those are just some things to check. The only other options are to check logs (location Chris provided) and even better yet contact Support.


Hi, I tried to read the logs, but I don't know which one to read exactly.

I don't have support for the solution, because I use the Community version.

I can put Hyper-V in Cluster or Stand Alone and even so, after a certain time it gets disconnected.

The strange thing is that even when disconnected, when I click on the host, it shows all the VMs and the disk data and everything else.

I've been thinking, since I can't find a solution for my Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyoer-V Cluster, because I believe it's a problem with the Cluster and not with Veeam.

Every time I click on the properties of my cluster node and insert it back into Veeam, it runs host discovery again and reconnects to Veeam.

What if there was a command in powershell that could do this?

Then I could schedule this command to run every hour, so my cluster nodes would always be connected and my backups wouldn't fail.

Is this possible?

Hi @silviotavaresspassu -

Did the post I share from spiceworks provide any help? Just because you use Comm Ed, doesn’t mean you can’t get Support. Although, getting support is ‘best effort’ with the Free edition. 

To help in analyzing Logs, Chris shared a PPT a few yrs ago from an engineer on analyzing Veeam logs. You can download it from the below post:

I haven’t tried to use PoSH for the task you’re asking about so can’t comment on it.

Hello @coolsport00 

Yes, I went to spiworks and the colleague there has the same problem as me, but there he abandoned the topic and didn't say if he solved her problem.

I found the log file with the host discovery information:


I read it line by line and didn't see anything regarding the exact moment my hyper-v is disconnected.

I've tried to put it in standalone and in cluster and even then, the problem happens.

I always have to go to PROPERTIES and click NEXT NEXT until it finishes and then host discovery runs and reconnects my hyper-v again...

Go onto the Host itself and check Event Logs to see if they share anything. Check the Veeam services. Other than that, I’m out of suggestions.

You can get support for the CE version of Veeam but it is best effort.  There is something with the host just not sure what at this point.  Especially if the log deep dive I posted did not help.  😔

Friends, look this, this my problem?

This user older: vSRV-VEEAM-01


Friends, look this, this my problem?

This user older: vSRV-VEEAM-01


You can modify that value.

This is my problem!
But I have no idea how to solve it.


Veeam has KB for that error. Look over the KB below and see if it helps:

Also, as I have shared, it is wise to look in Event Viewer of the problem Host that keeps getting connected to see if something there stands out as to why. Do you have antivirus running on the Host? If so, make sure you add exceptions/exclusions for it cuz it really seems Veeam Services may be getting stopped occasionally.

I can't find anything in EventViewer.

Hyper-V hosts don't have an antivirus agent.

I have no reference to this error shown in the Veeam log.

Could it be that my Palo Alto firewall is closing port 6190?

I'm using the Palo Alto 5450 box here.

I can't find anything in EventViewer.

Hyper-V hosts don't have an antivirus agent.

I have no reference to this error shown in the Veeam log.

Could it be that my Palo Alto firewall is closing port 6190?

I'm using the Palo Alto 5450 box here.

It could be if you are using IDS or some sort of inspection on the Palo Alto.

The only way to find out definitively is test traffic from/to your PA firewall over that port

C:\PortQryUI>portqry -n  -e 6160 -p TCP

Querying target system called:

Attempting to resolve IP address to a name...

IP address resolved to GUAPAY-ND08.educacao.intranet


TCP port 6160 (unknown service): LISTENING


Well, we analyzed it and there is no firewall filtering the port.

There is another situation that is blocking this port.

C:\PortQryUI>portqry -n  -e 6160 -p TCP

Querying target system called:

Attempting to resolve IP address to a name...

IP address resolved to GUAPAY-ND08.educacao.intranet


TCP port 6160 (unknown service): LISTENING


Well, we analyzed it and there is no firewall filtering the port.

There is another situation that is blocking this port.

At this point you should contact Support as pointed out.  That will be the best way forward at this point.

I have never activated them, how do I activate them? Because I use the CE version.

I have never activated them, how do I activate them? Because I use the CE version.

CE Edition is best effort support and you select Community Edition when creating a ticket.

Ok, very very thanks!

@silviotavaresspassu  Have you tried rebooting the Hyper-V hosts, re-running the discovery, and observe if the issue occurs again?

I’ve encountered similar issues (but not in Hyper-V though) and simple reboot fixes sometimes :) 

@silviotavaresspassu  Have you tried rebooting the Hyper-V hosts, re-running the discovery, and observe if the issue occurs again?

I’ve encountered similar issues (but not in Hyper-V though) and simple reboot fixes sometimes :) 

Yes, but dont working...

Look, I had this idea and I don't know if it was correct.

I went to one of my Windows Server 2012 R2 Cluster nodes where there is the Hyper-V feature and configured the 3 Veeam agent services this way.

And it's been 4 hours and so far the host discovery RPC error hasn't occurred.

Look, I had this idea and I don't know if it was correct.

I went to one of my Windows Server 2012 R2 Cluster nodes where there is the Hyper-V feature and configured the 3 Veeam agent services this way.

And it's been 4 hours and so far the host discovery RPC error hasn't occurred.

This would be good if any of the services are crashing causing the issue so doing this ensures they restart again.  Keep us posted so we can mark this as best answer if it works for a few days. 😎

Hi friends, just to report, what I did yesterday didn't work.
The hosts are failing again.
I saw that the Veeam services on my hots stopped and even with the configuration, they didn't start again, I have to start them manually.
This is very strange, and I can't even see why they stopped in EventViewer.
