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Hello everybody!


I have a brazilian blog that I started to produce some contents about data protection and Veeam. So, I’m gonna write about Veeam too.


The first post I wrote was about 3-2-1 rule and now I’d like to know what kind of subjects y'all think that would be interesting to write about?


If you have any tips for me, just let me know! :grin:

You can write about new v11 features in details one by one with screenshots

Well, content for beginners is always in a high demand, good choice! :blush:

Just to give you an example, I was looking for Kubernetes basics recently, and there is a loooot of content out there, but it’s mostly for experienced users. 

Hey @wolff.mateus!

Great to hear that you’re about to start producing more content about Veeam. 

From my perspective, different content serves different purposes, as everyone has kinda varying levels of expertise.

Any tips, tricks and how-tos are always work the best :blush: Everything that you experienced yourself, and found the way to solve - is awesome too. 

Let’s see others feedback, but these are my thoughts :relaxed:

Thanks @Kseniya. Now I’m thinking about some contents for beginners on Veeam. I'm gonna try to reach as more people as I can. :muscle_tone1: 

Hey @wolff.mateus!

Great to hear that you’re about to start producing more content about Veeam. 

From my perspective, different content serves different purposes, as everyone has kinda varying levels of expertise.

Any tips, tricks and how-tos are always work the best :blush: Everything that you experienced yourself, and found the way to solve - is awesome too. 

Let’s see others feedback, but these are my thoughts :relaxed:
