Best Practices đź“–Between Integrated and Non-Integrated Deduplication Appliances

  • 3 November 2020

Userlevel 7
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  • On the path to Greatness

Best Practices


:nerd: In my opinion it is very important to keep this best practice in mind :ballot_box_with_check:


If the integration API is unavailable due to licensing restrictions, or if any other deduplication appliance is used, the appliance should be considered non-integrated.

In order to optimize throughput for deduplication appliances, please use the following configuration guidelines:

:round_pushpin: Job configuration

The following settings are configured in the backup job “Edit” wizard under Storage > Advanced. Options not defined in this table are optional and not related to backup repositories using deduplication storage.

Setting Value
Tab: Backup  
Backup mode Incremental
Create synthetic full backups periodically Enabled - if integrated
Transform previous backup chains into rollbacks Disabled
Create active full backups periodically Enabled - if non-integrated
Tab: Maintenance  
Perform backup file health check Disabled
Defragment and compact full backup file Disabled
Tab: Storage  
Enable inline data deduplication Disabled
Exclude swap file blocks Enabled
Exclude deleted file blocks Enabled
Compression level Optimal
Storage optimization Local target (Large Blocks)
Enable backup file encryption Disabled


Hardware assisted encryption is available for EMC DataDomain via DDBoost, but must be configured in the integration specific repository configuration. If enabled on the job level data reduction efficiency will be significantly degraded.


:round_pushpin: Repository configuration


The following settings are configured in the “Edit Repository” wizard under Repository > Advanced.

Setting Value
Align backup file data blocks Enabled - only if repository uses fixed block size deduplication (almost never true)
Decompress backup data blocks before storing Enabled
This repository is backed by rotated hard drives Disabled
Use per-VM backup files Enabled




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