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Hi All,

I can share my As-Build Report Veeam guide for an easy installation and a good results 😁 !




Veeam Server License requirements: Community edition will not be supported.

Needed installed: Veeam Backup Console installed with same version of Veeam server


Installation steps from PS admin shell:

PS> Get-Module -Name Veeam.Backup.PowerShell -ListAvailable                                     

PS> Install-Module PScriboCharts

PS> Import-Module PScriboCharts                                                                 

PS> Find-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.* -Repository PSGallery

PS> Install-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.Core' -Repository 'PSGallery' -Scope 'CurrentUser'

PS> $env:PSModulePath

PS> $path = (Get-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Core -ListAvailable).ModuleBase; Unblock-File -Path $path\*.psd1; Unblock-File -Path $path\Src\Public\*.ps1

Verify if PS Veeam module is installed:

PS> Get-Module -Name Veeam.Backup.PowerShell -ListAvailable

PS> Install-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR

PS> Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name @(‘Veeam.Backup.PowerShell’,‘AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR’,‘AsBuiltReport.Core’)

Attending result:


Configure report options for use with -Verbose option to Allows you to set the technical parameters of the report, such as the type of data collected:

PS> New-AsBuiltReportConfig Veeam.VBR -FolderPath C:\VeeamReports

After confirm message, you can change name to CustomReportConf.json

Now you can edit custom report .json file.


Default configuration for Veeam server joined into domain is:

When the Veeam Server are In Workgroup need edit .json file and change with:

Now we are ready to execute Report command from Veeam Backup Console, PowerShell Console:


PS command line for Veeam server in Workgroup (change red text):


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username\administrator -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\VeeamReports' -ReportConfigFilePath C:\VeeamReports\CustomReportConf.json -Verbose


PS command line for Veeam server joined to AD domain (change red text):


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-vbr.contoso.local -Username contoso\veeam_admin -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath C:\VeeamReports


This command line create 2 reports in Word and HTML format.

Enjoy Veeam reports !

Nice one Marco! :)

I really like using these reports and have been since they came out.  Thanks for sharing this. 👍

Thank you for the content. I will be adding these recommendations to make it easier to use the report. I am working on a GUI made in C# for the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR project that allows to generate these reports in an easier way.

Additionally I have been working on improving the report content and also adding support for drawing VEEAM B&R infrastructure diagrams.

Stay tuned...

Thank you for the content. I will be adding these recommendations to make it easier to use the report. I am working on a GUI made in C# for the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR project that allows to generate these reports in an easier way.

Additionally I have been working on improving the report content and also adding support for drawing VEEAM B&R infrastructure diagrams.

Stay tuned...

The diagram piece will be awesome 👍

Looking forward to that being added.

Thank you for the content. I will be adding these recommendations to make it easier to use the report. I am working on a GUI made in C# for the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR project that allows to generate these reports in an easier way.

Additionally I have been working on improving the report content and also adding support for drawing VEEAM B&R infrastructure diagrams.

Stay tuned...


WOW ! 
Very usefull !!! 
We wait impatiently !!! 

Thank you for the content. I will be adding these recommendations to make it easier to use the report. I am working on a GUI made in C# for the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR project that allows to generate these reports in an easier way.

Additionally I have been working on improving the report content and also adding support for drawing VEEAM B&R infrastructure diagrams.

Stay tuned...

This is so cool! I can not wait to try it. Nice job @jcolonfzenpr @MarcoLuvisi 

Hi All.

Great tool but how can I manage with multiple proxies in workgroup ? Each time ASBuild try to connect to the proxy I have an error saying : 

VMware Backup Proxies Hardware/Software Inventory: Unable to connect to ...
VMware Backup Proxies Services Status Section: Unable to connect to ….

Thanks for your help


Hi All.

Great tool but how can I manage with multiple proxies in workgroup ? Each time ASBuild try to connect to the proxy I have an error saying : 

VMware Backup Proxies Hardware/Software Inventory: Unable to connect to ...
VMware Backup Proxies Services Status Section: Unable to connect to ….

Thanks for your help


What do you means with “proxies in workgroup” ?
You mean that each proxy has different access credentials?

Hi All.

Great tool but how can I manage with multiple proxies in workgroup ? Each time ASBuild try to connect to the proxy I have an error saying : 

VMware Backup Proxies Hardware/Software Inventory: Unable to connect to ...
VMware Backup Proxies Services Status Section: Unable to connect to ….

Thanks for your help


What do you means with “proxies in workgroup” ?
You mean that each proxy has different access credentials?

Each proxy is in a workgroup not in an ActiveDirectory so yes different access credentials.

Hi All.

Great tool but how can I manage with multiple proxies in workgroup ? Each time ASBuild try to connect to the proxy I have an error saying : 

VMware Backup Proxies Hardware/Software Inventory: Unable to connect to ...
VMware Backup Proxies Services Status Section: Unable to connect to ….

Thanks for your help


What do you means with “proxies in workgroup” ?
You mean that each proxy has different access credentials?

Each proxy is in a workgroup not in an ActiveDirectory so yes different access credentials.

@BROUSSEY do you execute PS under Veeam Power Shell console ?

Hi All.

Great tool but how can I manage with multiple proxies in workgroup ? Each time ASBuild try to connect to the proxy I have an error saying : 

VMware Backup Proxies Hardware/Software Inventory: Unable to connect to ...
VMware Backup Proxies Services Status Section: Unable to connect to ….

Thanks for your help


What do you means with “proxies in workgroup” ?
You mean that each proxy has different access credentials?

Each proxy is in a workgroup not in an ActiveDirectory so yes different access credentials.

@BROUSSEY do you execute PS under Veeam Power Shell console ?

Much better. Thanks a lot 😋

Thank you for the content. I will be adding these recommendations to make it easier to use the report. I am working on a GUI made in C# for the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR project that allows to generate these reports in an easier way.

Additionally I have been working on improving the report content and also adding support for drawing VEEAM B&R infrastructure diagrams.

Stay tuned...

Hi @jcolonfzenpr 

It is really impressive. Did you finish the tools I can’t wait to try it.



The tool is Veeam.Diagrammer and it source code is located here:


From version 0.8.3 onwards the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR report can generate diagrams if the "EnableDiagrams" option is set to true.



There is still a lot of work to be done to generate a complete infrastructure diagram. But for now there are several diagrams type that can be generated. I am interested in adding support for Cloud Connect but the license I was using for this purpose expired :(

Stay tuned...


I tried to generate the report by following all the steps in the above article also I downloaded all the module required but still stuck in below error 

New-AsBuiltReport : The term 'Document' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username 17 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) eWrite-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport


I tried to troubleshoot and check lot of sites but still no luck, so what I am missing ?


I tried to generate the report by following all the steps in the above article also I downloaded all the module required but still stuck in below error 

New-AsBuiltReport : The term 'Document' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username 17 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) eWrite-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport


I tried to troubleshoot and check lot of sites but still no luck, so what I am missing ?

Based on the error your syntax seems incorrect.  Check the examples above in the OP and model your commands from there.  I have done the same thing many times and need to remind myself to put the syntax in the proper format.

This is the command that I used and I double check with the article 


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username\administrator -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath ‘C:\VeeamReports’ -ReportConfigFilePath C:\VeeamReports\CustomReportConf.json -Verbose


Could you please chek?

This is the command that I used and I double check with the article 


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username\administrator -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath ‘C:\VeeamReports’ -ReportConfigFilePath C:\VeeamReports\CustomReportConf.json -Verbose


Could you please chek?

Based on this it looks correct from the example above.  Is there a space with the dash and password command?  I know web formatting is funky some times LOL

Example -

New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username\administrator -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\VeeamReports' -ReportConfigFilePath C:\VeeamReports\CustomReportConf.json -Verbose

Based on this everything looks right even the single quotes.  Maybe @jcolonfzenpr can address this.

As I told you I copied the example command and changed only the red parts thats why I am sure that it is the same. I spent more than 3 hours to figure it out but with no luck even I restarted the process from the beginning step by step also without luck.  

As I told you I copied the example command and changed only the red parts thats why I am sure that it is the same. I spent more than 3 hours to figure it out but with no luck even I restarted the process from the beginning step by step also without luck.  

Sounds good.  Hopefully the OP will reply when he has time.

I fixed the first issue it was a missing module called PScribo and I passed tthat issue but now stuck in another one which is :

New-AsBuiltReport : The 'Invoke-AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR' command was found in the module 'AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR',
but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR'.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username 17 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) dWrite-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport


When I checked and did an import command it says that PSGraph issue as below :

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR
Import-Module : The required module 'PSGraph' is not loaded. Load the module or remove the module from
'RequiredModules' in the file
At line:1 char:1
+ Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (C:\Users\Admini...Diagrammer.psd1:String) mImport-Module], Missing
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Modules_InvalidManifest,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand

The module is exist but am not sure where is the problem exactly now as the diagrammer also there too


Any help in here coz my mind will blow :(

I fixed the first issue it was a missing module called PScribo and I passed tthat issue but now stuck in another one which is :

New-AsBuiltReport : The 'Invoke-AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR' command was found in the module 'AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR',
but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR'.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username 17 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) dWrite-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport


When I checked and did an import command it says that PSGraph issue as below :

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR
Import-Module : The required module 'PSGraph' is not loaded. Load the module or remove the module from
'RequiredModules' in the file
At line:1 char:1
+ Import-Module AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (C:\Users\Admini...Diagrammer.psd1:String) mImport-Module], Missing
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Modules_InvalidManifest,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand

The module is exist but am not sure where is the problem exactly now as the diagrammer also there too


Any help in here coz my mind will blow :(

I would suggest you go through the website and install all the pre-requisites needed for this to run properly. Sounds like something is still missing based on the errors.

Hi @Chris.Childerhose  Finally I figured it out and fixed it. It seems the offline Module from Github not working fine with me so I installed from PSGallery repo from another device (coz server that I worked on does not have internet access) and I loaded the new one and it works fine.

Thanks for you following up.

Hi @Chris.Childerhose  Finally I figured it out and fixed it. It seems the offline Module from Github not working fine with me so I installed from PSGallery repo from another device (coz server that I worked on does not have internet access) and I loaded the new one and it works fine.

Thanks for you following up.

Awesome that is great to hear you figured it out.  Glad to help. 👍

Hi @Chris.Childerhose  Finally I figured it out and fixed it. It seems the offline Module from Github not working fine with me so I installed from PSGallery repo from another device (coz server that I worked on does not have internet access) and I loaded the new one and it works fine.

Thanks for you following up.


I'm glad you were able to resolve it and my thanks to those who helped you do so.

I have included the URL for the most recent instructions on how to run the report. In the future I will try to make the process for generating the report simpler.



I’m using a Rental license on a Veeam Server. The license typ is Enterprise plus.

While running the report I got the following message:

“New-AsBuiltReport : Current license does not allow this operation”

Is there a way to get rid of these error?


