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SQL Log Backup Failing

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Good day, 

I have 3 SQL server that I backup in the evening a full backups runs and then the transactional log backups are set to every 60 minutes. My full backups complete and the transactional backups complete except for 1 database. The database is set to the full model but I keep getting the below error and that the database is unprotected. 

“Failed to upload SQL Server transaction log backup for **** to ISA-SS-VEEAMSSP-01: Repository agent is stopped. SQL Server transaction log backup took longer than desired log backup interval.”

I have played around with the time and have set it to 200 minutes but it’s the same. The database is over 300GB big but I do have other DB’s bigger and the transactional log backup completes on them. 

I have checked the event logs for more information and have checked the guest helper log but don’t see anything. This is not an account permission issue as the backups for the other DB’s complete. 
Is there anything else I can look at or try to get this resolved? This is one of the most important databases I need to backup and would really appreciate any assistance. 




  • Veeam Legend
  • November 3, 2023

Hi @gio,

I would advise taking a look at the SQL Server error logs for any additional information. From the error message “SQL Server transaction log backup took longer than desired log backup interval”, and your description above, I would assume that these transactional logs are large. Do you often times truncate these logs?


You spoke about throttling already, so I will disregard this. Here is a similar error:

If the issue persists, you might as well contact the support team.

  • Veeam Legend
  • November 3, 2023

In addition to my above statement, just to reduce the overhead, see this guide for some best practices:

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  • November 6, 2023

Hi @Iams3le thank you for the suggestions. 
I have gone through the event logs and logs on Management Studio and haven’t found anything regarding why the backup would be failing on that specific DB.

Currently the DB that is failing the log is 103GB. How do I truncate the log? I thought when the transactional log backup runs it would do that or do I have it wrong? I did run a transactional log backup from Management Studio to see if that would help but the backup was just over 2GB and the size of the log is still the same. 

Thank you for the 2 links I did go through them. Below are screenshots of my settings. On the second screenshot for the intervals I have played around with different times from 30 min to 300 min but it makes no difference. I thought maybe the intervals were set to short and that increasing the time to 5 hours might help but still getting “SQL Server transaction log backup took longer than desired log backup interval”. On the backup job completion email I am also now getting more errors.


Failed to upload SQL Server transaction log backup for XXXXX to JHB1VREP08: Repository agent is stopped
Failed to call RPC function 'Vss.DeleteBackupedLogsInTemp': Error code: 0x80004005. Failed to invoke func [DeleteBackupedLogsInTemp]: Unspecified error. Could not copy host file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdF1EA.tmp] to guest [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024]. Could not check if guest [vm-3789614] file [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024] exists. Could not get item info [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024] in the guest [vm-3789614]. Could not invoke guest operation. A general system error occurred: vix error codes = (3016, 0).

Thanks for the assistance.




  • Veeam MVP
  • November 23, 2023

Hey Gio 

I would definitely use Veeam support for this: Veeam Customer Support Portal

 What i can see from you log snippet: 

Failed to call RPC function 'Vss.DeleteBackupedLogsInTemp': Error code: 0x80004005. Failed to invoke func [DeleteBackupedLogsInTemp]: Unspecified error. Could not copy host file [C:\Windows\TEMP\ifdF1EA.tmp] to guest [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024]. Could not check if guest [vm-3789614] file [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024] exists. Could not get item info [C:\Users\SVC-SQ~1.LOC\AppData\Local\Temp\b1a9ed72-9298-41bd-bfbf-951a390ce024] in the guest [vm-3789614]. Could not invoke guest operation. A general system error occurred: vix error codes = (3016, 0)


Its trying to write log to temp directory on server and then is copied to backup repo server at which point temp log is removed after the fact.( doesn't look like the process is completing) 

Could not invoke guest operation. A general system error occurred: vix error codes = (3016, 0)


It's trying RPC and then Failing over to VIX, i would check:

  • VMware tools installed & running on XXXXX
  • available Guest free disk on [C:\Windows\TEMP\
  • You could try persisted agent option.
  • Ensure that SQL xxxxx server has network connectivity too JHB1VREP08.
  • if not, you can set Log shipping servers.

Think support is ideal here.

