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VMCE Practice Question - 25 July 2024

Ok folks...second practice question for this week is below. You got this, no problem! 😊
Please remember to hide your comments!

What is the recommended default Storage Optimization setting for local Backup Jobs?

  1. Optimal
  2. 1MB
  3. 2MB
  4. 512KB
  5. LAN


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  1. LAN


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  1. B).  1MB (Recommended)


Userlevel 6
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  • should be b: 1MB 


Userlevel 6
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  1. 1MB


Userlevel 4
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Should be B): 1Mb


Userlevel 7
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Userlevel 7
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B. 1MB


Userlevel 6
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2 - 1MB


Userlevel 7
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Hi @ekawangsa -

Please hide your comment so others have an opportunity to answer the question without influence from others' posts/guesses. Let me know if you need help in doing so. 

Thank you. 

Userlevel 7
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  1. 1 MB


Userlevel 3

B. 1MB


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2nd question for the week answer is below…

As with the other 2 questions this week, this is also a ‘static’ question. All answers are explicitly incorrect. Option a. and e. are options no longer in Veeam (but are still referenced for clarity/avoid confusion), so they are incorrect. The only correct option for what the default configuration is for Storage Optimization is b. 1MB . And, not only is this the default configured option, it is the recommended configuration for “local” and/or SAN/DAS=connected storage. For further info/reading on the settings, see the URL below.


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