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See below for the VTT VMCE Practice Question for the week. Please remember to hide your comment guesses….

In Veeam Enterprise Manager, what are the default restoration permissions for the Restore Operator role?

  1. Volume objects
  2. File objects 
  3. No permissions
  4. All objects
  1. All objects


  1. All Objects


  1. All objects



  1. All objects.


You can customize the restore scope if you have the Enterprise Plus edition of Veeam Backup & Replication. In other editions, this list includes all objects and cannot be customized. However, you can delegate recovery of entire machines, guest files, or selected file types. For more information, see Configuring Permissions for File and Application Item Restore.


D - All objects


See below for this week’s VTT question…

My previous day’s question, this is just a simple matter of knowing the default behavior when creating/adding the Restore Operator role in EM. All options listed are viable permissions for the role, but obviously not all are the correct answer 😊 The best way to get the answer to this is go into EM, create a user and enable it to have the Restore Operator role and see what permission(s) is selected as default. The answer is d. All objects. The URL below talks about EM roles but doesn’t really share what the default permissions are for each. The best way to find out is to perform the task I suggested above.

For more on EM roles, see URL:


I am late, réponse D 😅

