Welcome to the VEEAM BEAM (Temporarily named Veeam Visions) VMCA SHOW!

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hey Everyone!

I have renamed my youtube channel to the Veeam Beam!. Well it will be the Veeam Beam eventually. Unfortunately, over the weekend I woke up and had the silly idea to rename it to Veeam Visions but later realized that this would sound like an Optometrist. However, it was too late and now Youtube will only allow me to rename after 12 days!

In the new Show I will go over the weekly questions and talk about plans for the Study Hall!




Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Great name choice for sure!  Great episode too always a great break from work to watch.  😂

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

lol great Geoff Beam!!
