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⚠ Exam questions, practice exams and braindumps - Read here!


Everyone wants to be prepared in the best way before taking an exam. And while studying the official materials and hands-on experience are essential for passing a test, practice exams are a good way of finding out which areas you still need to focus.

What’s important to note is that practice exams never contain real questions from an actual exam. They might look similar but are made up and different from those you would see during the exam. 

Examples can be found here in the Community, like the ones published by ​@coolsport00 or ​@haslund

Real questions are often called “braindumps” and are falsely advertised as study material, while they are actually forbidden by most (if not all) exam providers, including Veeam, and are counted as cheating. For example here’s what the VMCE exam guide states:


We protect the security and integrity of our certifications. Cheating and misconduct is prohibited. Candidates who commit misconduct may:

  • have test scores revoked
  • have credentials revoked 
  • be banned from future exams.

Examples of misconduct include but are not limited to:

  • Gaining, or trying to gain, unauthorized access to Veeam’s materials. This includes course materials and exam content (with or without answers). 
  • Any form of cheating during the exam. This includes gathering test answers from notes, cues or other test takers.
  • Copying, replicating or disclosing the exam in any way


Sometimes you might see posts on the internet or also here in the Community, referring to external sites which helped to pass an exam. On those sites you can buy “study materials” or “exam questions”. And even if the posts look valid, often they are ads selling braindumps. Should you see such posts here in the Community, you can always report them when clicking on the 3 dots menu:

It might be tempting to utilize such braindumps to achieve a certification. However at the end you’re cheating yourself as you don’t gain any actual knowledge which might come out sooner or later; therefore also hurting your reputation as an IT professional. Just think about customer interactions, interviews or projects, where you will be tested and fail without the necessary knowledge.


  • February 28, 2025

Well said 👏


Good and important point!

  • Veeam Legend, Veeam Vanguard
  • February 28, 2025

Very well said on this topic.  I have used the report button several times due to exam dump links being posted. 


A very important detail. Good point!

VMCA goes far beyond dumps
