I have deployed kasten10 on OpenShift 4.14 as an operator. After that I created a k10 instance by following the guideline here https://docs.kasten.io/latest/access/authentication.html#openshift-authentication still not able to access
I run the k10tools debug i got the following error
Verify OpenShift OAuth Server Connection:
Openshift URL - https://api.test.abc.com:6443/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
Trying to connect to Openshift without TLS (insecureSkipVerify=false)
Connection failed, testing other options
Trying to connect to Openshift with TLS but verification disabled (insecureSkipVerify=true)
Connection succeeded - OK
Verify OpenShift Service Account Token:
Initiating token verification
Fetched ConfigMap - k10-dex
Service Account for OpenShift authentication - k10-dex-sa
Service account reference secret - k10-dex-sa retrieved
Token retrieved from Service Account secrets
Token retrieved from ConfigMap
({"message":"Token belonging to service account in auth.openshift.serviceAccount k10-dex-sa does not match the token in the helm value auth.openshift.clientSecret\n","function":"kasten.io/k10/kio/tools/k10primer/k10debugger.(*OpenshiftDebugger).verifyToken","linenumber":179,"file":"kasten.io/k10/kio/tools/k10primer/k10debugger/openshift_debugger.go:179"}) - Error
Get Service Account Error Events:
Searching for events with error in Service Account - k10-dex-sa
No error event found in service account - k10-dex-sa - OK