I’m currently evaluating K10 (V5.0) inside a RKE2 cluster with S3-compatible storage as backup target.
Since Longhorn probably has some problems with CSI snapshots I created the sidecar configuration as described in https://docs.kasten.io/latest/install/generic.html#end-to-end-example
I created a “Immutable Backup” Location profile, S3 is Minio.
Backup to that location works fine, but when I try to restore I get the following error message:
file: kasten.io/k10/kio/exec/phases/phase/restore_app.go:1610
function: kasten.io/k10/kio/exec/phases/phase.genericVolumeSnapshotRestore
linenumber: 1610
message: No end time recorded for export operation to locked bucket
Backup + restore to/from a location without object lock runs without any problems.
Any ideas? Perhaps some kind of incompatibility with Minio S3?
Many thanks in advance