Yes, Veeam can! (sorry for this pun)
Question arose today and I thought this is could be interesting to share: Is it possible to copy a backup copy job? So can a backup copy job use a backup copy job as source job? Yes and no. It is not possible to select the copy backup job directly. But it is possible to select the repository, the (second) copy job searches for backup data.
How to create a copy copy job:
Start the New Backup Copy Job wizard and enter a name. Here it is required to use Periodic copy (pruning) Copy mode! Note: Source copy backup job can also use Immediate copy (mirroring) mode.

On next step, press Add… → From backups...

and select the job you want to copy second time.
It is important to do so, otherwise, selected source repository (next step) will be ignored!
Press Source… and select the repository, the first copy job uses as target. This is the repository this copy job will read backups from.

The rest of the wizard can be configured as desired.
In joblog you see the source repository, copy is made from: