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The World is Hybird:Veeam ACT II

This year has taken us by surprise and unprepared for remote work.  I’m very excited to learn how other companies  handled the remote working, and  what resources are available to better our position.  



This is a faily open ended question.  Are you referring to online tools like Zoom, WebEx, etc. or something else to help with remote working like Slack or Teams for chat?  If you can break down what you are looking for everyone can weigh in on their favourites for each section.  I have worked remote the past 5+ years 100% and have used many tools for each company.

We currently use Zoom for online meetings and Slack for chat inter-communication. Along with other things like Outlook for email and Hitachi HCP for document sharing.  Plus we have a Wiki by Atlassin we use in-house too.


  • Veeam Legend
  • May 25, 2021

Personally, I wasn’t really impacted much. I worked remotely for about a month Apr-May 2020, then have been at my office. I am not one who cares to work remotely personally. When at the office, most interactions were face-to-face, with long-distance done via Teams or Zoom. Let us know if there’s anything further you’re looking for.


Ceaves wrote:

This year has taken us by surprise and unprepared for remote work.  I’m very excited to learn how other companies  handled the remote working, and  what resources are available to better our position.  

Working for a MSP, we’ve seen many different responses to remote working but the key takeaway is whenever staff were being forced back into the office, productivity suffered, due to the level of disruption to all aspects of life, staff needed to accommodate flexible working more readily.


Adoption of Microsoft Teams has been dramatic, with the follow on realisation for a lot of businesses that they needed to protect Teams and look at solutions such as Veeam Backup for Office 365 v5. Email has supported remote working for a long time but telephony has more often been an afterthought so leveraging voice in Teams has helped reduce that barrier for many businesses.


I’ve also seen most success in people pushing for an identical working environment whether they’re remote or in the office, leveraging either SaaS solutions or VDI and making laptops the primary work device and office desks no more than hot desking docking stations. There’s a lot to be said about data security but if you can let us know what specifically you’re looking at or what has pained your remote working that’ll help shape some answers!
