Hello Team,
When creating a backup policy with export to external storage, a migration token is being created in form of a kubernetes secret in `kasten-io` namespace. The token can be then used in import policy, to migrate the data between two clusters.

When we were trying to define the secret and token by ourselves, we received the following errors:

It seems like the secret, apart from being base64 encoded is encrypted (perhaps using Kasten’s master key?), therefore, when it tries to decipher a custom secret, the result is an empty string.
Is it possible to define custom migration token in backup policies? This would be helpful as we are deploying Kasten’s blueprints, policies, bindings etc. using Kustomize and instead of providing the plain receive string to the import policy, we would like to patch the receiveString using the custom token value from the secret as a target.
Thanks in advance.