And a BIG welcome to the +44 new members in the Veeam Community!
@BuAbdullah @gallifreyan @RITV @JasonF @Aarthi @jorgek @SPagola @TBettems
@Deividas @Darren-D @RAUL ARIAS @Bill Dorell @yesitsmedoug @Zakaria @Famosto
@f.trippitelli @AWR @b.s. @CSB @Lorenzzo @velikadirkozan @geschnei @schillj @fangyt @JamesS
@jdtrier @RobD @shivguru @Veeam Administrator @bmujahid @draganstoicov @JRZHU @aksis @alexkoko @karun.keeriot @ebekas @ArshadSk @GAIA @sticks_el @Saipe @WorldAceRevo @syy111555
And “Coolest Usernames” / Alfred’s pick this week are: @Zoocrewcat and @andreasegato
@Rick Vanover I posted a quick update. After getting the IO Filter versions in sync between the sites, I had to blow away my initial sync and start the sync over but it is now working. Now it’s just a matter of fine tuning the RPO policy and when I get alerts. I got a LOT of failed and success emails the first day or two because I’m attempting a 15 second RPO and it’s having a hard time keeping up at times, so I may have to back it off a bit. I did end up changing my warning and failure alerting period to 2 minutes and 5 minutes respectively so my emails don’t get quite so blown up.
Congrats @dloseke @Geoff Burke @kirststoner12 and welcome to all new users!
Great RECAP @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil as always!
Awesome recap and congrats to all new members.
Welcome to all new members.
Great recap as every week 

Half of Canada does not have internet. The other half have overwhelmed the networks. Using phone for a bit but very slow.. Wow what a day!
Great recap as every week!
Awesome recap, Congrats @dloseke @Geoff Burke @kirststoner12
It was a full day the mobile network and the internet was down on Friday !