Traefik wins best Hoodie award!

Userlevel 7
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You have to give credit where credit is due. I love Traefik and install it even when I am not leveraging K3S. Being a Traefik Ambassador has many privileges but I have to give it to them for the “best Hoodie” award. The package arrived from France no less (luckily Canada Customs did not raise any issues :) ).

Traefik in my humble opinion is superior to nginx-ingress and its middleware component makes it very flexible.

They also have a great academy:

But just checkout the black hoodie on the right of the photo below, that is simply regal!, 



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Whilst the hoody is nice, I always head towards NGINX for home lab environments for ease but then I am drawn or see more Ambassador / Envoy out there… either way, we are in a stage where raising awareness is still front and centre and just understanding what an API gateway is probably worth a post in itself. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Whilst the hoody is nice, I always head towards NGINX for home lab environments for ease but then I am drawn or see more Ambassador / Envoy out there… either way, we are in a stage where raising awareness is still front and centre and just understanding what an API gateway is probably worth a post in itself. 

I use Nginx as well (it was always my default before I started playing around with K3S) and Traefik to me is more complicated but I really like their middleware and dashboard. I don’t profess to fully know it at all :). 

By the way for folks finding this yet another Kubernetes rabbit hole, here is a comparison with some diagrams which help understand the whole thing:




Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I have to admit I like the Ambassador Edge Penguin (I think it is a Penguin) better than the Traefik Gopher for the logos.

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

That is a very nice looking hoodie for sure.  Also been reading about this software too.
