Practice with 150 tasks for the CKA/CKAD Exam

  • 10 November 2021

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hey!! For those preparing for CKA or CKAD exam, I found this link very usefull to practice different tasks.  You have 150 different tasks covering all the topics you need for the real exam. 

Good resource that help me to pass the exam.


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great resource.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Excellent link. One thing to watch is changing versions. So if you have study guides from a few years ago or practice tests double check to see if anything has changed. Things can move to v1 from v1beta for example and you might waste time checking a manifest for errors when all along it was the above. Then there are command changes too. I say this because I think for the CKAD they have just upgraded the version to 1.22.



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Great guide @patricio.rcm, thank you for sharing. I would like to compliment this post by sharing a very similar post on my blog

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Great guide @patricio.rcm, thank you for sharing. I would like to complete this post by sharing a very similar post on my blog

People may ask what are and why do you have static pods. Well in a kubeadm setup the system pods are all static. When you want to do things like enable auditing or admission controllers you have to change the kube-apiserver manifest in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml and the pod will restart (or not if you messed it up :), so always make a copy before making any changes).

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@patricio.rcm : Thanks for sharing !


Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Great! @patricio.rcm Thanks for your sharing.
