Open-appsec convinced me to take on more

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi Everyone


I was going to cool it a bit with community work after suffering a few overdoses. The Ambassadorships and other community appointments don't just offer swag, which no doubt makes it worth it alone 😁, but often there is training and the chance to open up your knowledge into areas that you are not deeply familiar with. Such was the case when Open-appsec reached out to me about joining their Ambassador program. After a few minutes reading through their website I was hooked. So a little less free time for me but in return I get to plunge into the world of machine learning API security. If you are interested head over to their website and apply

And now off to vacation!!



Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Congrats Geoff! 👍🏼 Enjoy your vacay 🌴

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

dangit! you are busy man!
Swag? did you say swag? where?


take some rest!!


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Congrats on the new Ambassadorship 👍🏼and enjoy the vacation to get some rest.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Can’t wait to see your posts about this! After your vacation! Enjoy!

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Amazing Geoff ! Enjoy the vacation !! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Congratulations @Geoff Burke 

Hope you are having a great vacation!

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Thanks, it was fun I was almost cut off from the internet as well. Only worked in the hotel lobby :). To my horror I realised that I am a net junkie. “hi my name if Geoff I am a netacholic” Walking through a jungle like environment  it suddenly dawned on me that I could not check any of my info sources, even the ones that I can’t stand (another case for the psychotherapist.. if you don’t like those feeds and sources, why then do you constantly check them? ….) 

Giving up booze was easier.

Apart from that had one scary moment (could not google right away so I was left alone only with the Burke imagination). I was staring at the night sky which was amazing since there was no light pollution and suddenly there were 10 lights way up in space, one after another moving and then disappearing one by one. After last week’s UFO report to Congress I figured.. darn they have picked the first day of my vacation to invade and I am out here far from any connectivity. Luckily I got back to the hotel eventually and googled and it turns out this is another Musk issue, starlight satellite behave that way as they are lower than other satellites and they reflect the sun for a bit. Just enough to cause UFO scares..

