Let the Sharks out of the Ocean and onto your Kube cluster! Kubeshark

  • 12 October 2023

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

What if you wanted to see what exactly was going on in your Kubernetes cluster. Dreaming of your old pal from the Physical/Virtual days, wireshark? Look no more Kubeshark will rip into those network packets and you can feast away.

As their website states, Kubeshark is an API traffic Analyzer https://kubeshark.co/

Why don’t we take it for a spin?


helm repo add kubeshark https://helm.kubeshark.co
helm repo update


I am going to save the chart values to a file and then enable the ingress

helm show values kubeshark/kubeshark >values.yaml

I will also use a couple of settings from their installation documentation

helm install kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark -n kubeshark --create-namespace --set tap.release.namespace=kubeshark --set tap.resources.worker.limits.memory=2Gi -f values.yaml

Looks good:

Install Completed

Now to take a look at this tool:

Kubeshark in action


Service Map

Ok well this looks pretty darn cool but I have to figure out how to use it now :)


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

That is a cool looking tool. If I ever get to the Kubernetes train I will check it out.  😂

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Very cool tool Geoff. 2nd one kinda looks a little like Perf Charts in vSphere 😂
