Please do you know where I can find a comparison of the features of Veeam Kasten with other market solutions such as Veritas Netbackup, Commvault, and Dell Power Protect?
I searched the Veeam partner site and didn't find it.
Please do you know where I can find a comparison of the features of Veeam Kasten with other market solutions such as Veritas Netbackup, Commvault, and Dell Power Protect?
I searched the Veeam partner site and didn't find it.
I have only seen the features page, but not that comparison that you are highlighting / requesting
If you need something like that, I assume it would be better to contact Kasten Sales department and ask if they do have such info / report.
but just guessing.
And here two different parties with some comparisons and info
nothing official, just blogs
Thanks so much for these insights,
Thanks so much for these insights,
I think you want a comparison chart like this: https://sourceforge.net/software/compare/Commvault-Complete-Data-Protection-vs-Kasten-K10/
You can add more to compare! Gartner has something similar. For more questions, kindly contact contact@kasten.io as suggested above as the information on sourceforge etc. might not be up to date.
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