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Veeam v6 Agent is 15 times SLOWER than v5

  • 15 October 2023

After upgrading from V5 to V6 FREE Agent, my backup speeds significantly dropped. From 232 MB/s down to 15 MB/s.






Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Unsure why as my laptop backs up just as fast or faster on v6.  I would take a look at the logs to see if anything is evident and also ensure Antivirus exclusions are in place.  Also ensure throttling is not on in the settings.

Userlevel 2

Didn’t see any obvious things in the logs. Antivirus exceptions are in place. If that would be the problem, I would have had it with v5 as well. Throttling is disabled.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Didn’t see any obvious things in the logs. Antivirus exceptions are in place. If that would be the problem, I would have had it with v5 as well. Throttling is disabled.

Unsure what else to suggest as I don't see that in V6.  Maybe a support case or check the forums


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I recommend opening a case with technical support. I know several customers using version 6 without reporting performance issues. I just checked the HW system requirements, and are the same. As it is a free edition, Veeam will provide best-effort support by email only.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hmm..don’t think I’ve heard of this issue before @Shloop . If you open a Veeam case to further look into this, I’d be curious of the solution.


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Shloop - did you get to open a case with Veeam Support? Were they able to provide any insights to the issue? A resolution? I’m curious what they found out...

Userlevel 2

I opened a support case, but during the time it took to get to a solution, I figured out that actually the external hard drive I was using was causing the performance degradation. By chance, the defect occured at the very same day I upgraded Veeam, which led me to believe it was Veeam.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Ah ok. Thanks for the update. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I opened a support case, but during the time it took to get to a solution, I figured out that actually the external hard drive I was using was causing the performance degradation. By chance, the defect occured at the very same day I upgraded Veeam, which led me to believe it was Veeam.

Thanks for updating us on the issue.  Sort of figured it was the drive but nice you confirmed it.
