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Unmanaged agent failing because repo is in use

Hi folks,

We have Veeam B&R and a hardened repo for all our backup jobs. Repo is configured to allow 8 concurrent tasks. We run a SAP backup job every 10 minutes. When SAP backup runs while there is any other job running that uses all the connections to the repo, the SAP job fails. I’ts unable to wait for the repo to have any ‘channel’ available as other jobs do.

Is there any setting to tell the SAP job to wait until there is any available connection to the repo?

Thanks in advance


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi @javichumellamo 


Can you please give versions of the VBR & Plugin you’re using, and the type of SAP job (SAP HANA plugin or SAP on Oracle) this will impact the advice.


For example on the latest VBR & SAP HANA plugins, SAP HANA will wait until slots are available (source: Veeam Environment Planning - Veeam Plug-ins for Enterprise Applications)

In both scenarios, Veeam recommend a separate backup repository for plug-ins so it is easier for you to manage task concurrency requirements.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hi, no, there is no such option as far as I’m aware.

Telling a SAP backup job to wait for resources is not a good idea, especially for log backups, because this could lead to severe problems due to lack of locally available log space. That’s one of the reasons why it is best practice to separate SAP backup target repositories from other workloads’ backup targets and leave the “concurrent tasks” setting as “unlimited” (reference:

Userlevel 4


Veeam Server is running

The job is SAP HANA



Userlevel 4

Hi, no, there is no such option as far as I’m aware.

Telling a SAP backup job to wait for resources is not a good idea, especially for log backups, because this could lead to severe problems due to lack of locally available log space. That’s one of the reasons why it is best practice to separate SAP backup target repositories from other workloads’ backup targets and leave the “concurrent tasks” setting as “unlimited” (reference:

Anyway I think it’s he same problem with log space if the job fails… so as from my undertanding the only option should be to have a dedicated repo for HANA.
